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What a week - Last Wednesday Linda and I went to Canajoharie NY, I had one of those throat tickles.

No problem - just a halls or two .


Thursday we returned with 1100 lbs of Spaghetti sauce boxed up in the bed of the truck. just East of Buffalo we ran into a little rain that turned into a white out and the road cleared up for maybe 2 miles. Then more snow and another white out but this time it was hail. Scared the crap outta me ! The 2 hour drive from Buffalo turned out to be the drive from - well, you know where. Started coughing during the hail -


Friday I called the Dr. to get my "cold" treated. Nobody available. Take something and drink lottsa liquids. OK -


Saturday - spent the entire day in my recliner with a blanket and in half a stupor.


Sunday at 12:15 Linda called, somebody rear ended me. Off I went. Got back home and back in the recliner with my blankie


Monday - 11:20, Dr. said GHeeeeez never seen a throat that red and inflamed. Spent the rest of the day in the recliner with my blankie


Tuesday - still got my blankie but this time some drugs and Sangria. Insurance called, get car fixed, we mail you a check and if it costs more have the body shop let us know.


Can't wait for Wednesday - If we're lucky, we'll get her car back on the 5th of Dec. - the day before we leave for Australia

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