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How are you going to carry that guitar and case on your motorcycle????????:doh::stirthepot:


Not my problem... That's up to the guy following me..... :whistling:

Hey! Go easy on those Fender Squiers, we can't all afford the "good stuff" :big-grin-emoticon:


p.s. My Ibanez bass (not pictured) came along after these photos were taken!



LOL...hey...I'm not knocking them in the least. I even said that there are some good instruments coming from China now. They just take a bit of a hit on the used market. I came close to buying a Fender Telecaster Squire a while back but then ran across a great deal on a Taylor Solidbody Standard. I've still got it and love it so far. Even at a great deal though, it was still much more than the Fender that I was looking at. I think I could easily make a few bucks on it if/when I decide to sell it though.


My dad started an auction business over 40 years ago. I cant tell you how many sales ive been to in my lifetime. My brother still runs the company today. They are very successfull and do all sorts of sales. From household, antique, farm, and land sales. One thing is for sure (with the exception of land), there is always a bargain at a sale. You just have to look to find them. If you dont have a bargain every now and again. people quit coming.


The one thing you see less of anymore is household sales. I think a big reason for this is the type of appliances etc we buy anymore. They are almost designed as use and throw away. They dont last like they used to.


A little trivia here. What are 2 things you will probobly never see sold at a sale (other than guns if people selling are not licensed to do so)?


The Answer.........The American Flag, and the Bible......

A little trivia here. What are 2 things you will probobly never see sold at a sale (other than guns if people selling are not licensed to do so)?


The Answer.........The American Flag, and the Bible......


I just saw a beautiful leather bound bible sell last Sunday, but I have to agree, I think it was the first I'd seen. I do see American Flags all the time. The two auction houses I patronize locally handle estates. Both are run by the same family. One takes estates only, and the other will take consignments. I've picked up some incredible buys...


Our family wont sell individually either item. If it is in a box of stuff they will take them out and sell the box. They may give either item to the buyer, but we wont sell them to make money off of them.....

Our family wont sell individually either item. If it is in a box of stuff they will take them out and sell the box. They may give either item to the buyer, but we wont sell them to make money off of them.....


I really find nothing wrong with it, and just another way to spread the word and promote patriotism. But that's just me... only one opinion among many.... To each his own...


This thread is starting to sound like an episode of "Pawn Stars." So when is Chumley gonna show up...:doh:



PS I think you got your money's worth in the case alone...

This thread is starting to sound like an episode of "Pawn Stars." So when is Chumley gonna show up...


PS I think you got your money's worth in the case alone...


Nah... Auction Hunters and Auction Kings.... :)

That's what I kinda figured on the case. The best price I could find for the case, after searching online a bit, was $107 plus whatever shipping would be. It might have been less somewhere else, but that looked like a pretty good price. So the Fender came along for the ride.... :big-grin-emoticon:

I really find nothing wrong with it, and just another way to spread the word and promote patriotism. But that's just me... only one opinion among many.... To each his own...


I think what my dad started with the way he handled those items was, in the case of the flag. There is a proper way to dispose of a flag and a proper way to handle them. So selling one to a second hand owner for profit in his eyes is wrong. The bible is viewed pretty much the same to him. I guess he is a good old churchgoing veteran.....Now nothing is going to stop you from bidding on the box of stuff that they came in. After the box is sold, they will put those 2 items back in if you wish. But they wont ever take them out of a box and sell them individually.

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