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First of all let me say that I have thought alot about this since yesterday morning.

I want to make my feelings clear about some of the posts by inconsiderate members concerning you guessed it

Protective gear

It is not anyones right duty or responsibility for anyone to comment on whether someone not of your imediate family (you pay there way) on whether a rider does or does not wear there gear.No one tells you to wear your gear so you can stop making posts on threads about whether an injured rider would or would not be in better shape after and accident if they were wearing all or some if any of the protective gear they may or may not own or like to wear.I dont give my friends and addopted family any grief if they do or dont suit up to ride I only wear a helmet because its required in the state I live in.Mini doesnt like me not to wear one but thats between me and her and no one elses concern as far as I look at it.

I know that this thread is probably going to be deleted and if that is the case so be it the moderators do a damn fine job of keeping things correct here.feel free not to send me a pm or call me if you dont like my additude about this because I most likely will offend you before you get to many words out.

I hope that everyone that has been injured as of late makes a full and complete recovery and that is all you need to concern yourself about with a post of an injured rider.Ask yourself this if you dont chose to put on all of your protective gear before you run to the store to get a loaf of bread or other items and you get into an accident whose fault and concern is it if you crack you head or get some road rash ect?


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Posted (edited)


While i dont agree with you about the point of wearing gear, I almost always wear mine, in fact the only time I didnt wear my helmet was in Cody this past July, because of a sunburn on the top of my head.


BUT!! I fully agree with you on the bad taste in posting an opinion like that on a page when a friend is in rough shape. Who cares whether he has gear on or not at this point, lets just get behind him and wish him our best and hope for a full recovery. OPinions have no place in a thread like that when we are all worried about someone.





Edited by friesman
Read and monitoring thread....



Bet you have your helmet on too .....


Well said Jeff and please listen to Mini - she's not always crazy ...


I thought alot about posting here and this is my personal experience. I live in southern Florida where it is hot so I ride in a t-shirt and shorts, well my friends that ride Harley's yell at me all the time for this but they refuse to wear helmets. I don't say a word because I have been in an accident before and know for a fact that I can live with road rash but I cannot live with a busted head. I just recently found that out again, if I did not have my helmet on I would not be here today but that being said I will never tell anyone what they should or should not wear while riding so do not tell me. All I can say is that people who do not wear helmets are selfish and do not think of the consequences of what happens to there family when they do have an accident.

Only thoughts from a recent surviving crash victim.



I guess I'm the guilty party.


I may not have shown good judgement on my comment...but please understand that I was not putting down anyone....passing judgement or anything else.


My intention was only to remind folks that HELMETS SAVE LIVES!!!!


Ponch was severely injured...now Dano...both were not wearing full helmets.


As I said in my post....at the time we didn't even know if wearing a helmet or not was a factor so it wasn't a put down or anything else.


Do you think I feel he DESERVES to be hurt for not wearing a helmet???


OF course not!!!


It's been proven statistically that helmets save lives.


In the same manner, it has been proven that smoking kills people.


People ride without helmets....people smoke. IMHO they are both bad ideas.


But, if you have a choice....I encourage you to quit smoking and wear a helmet.


But again...that is just IMHO


I am very much a to each his own type person, I served my country to help preserve the right of free speech and freedom to choose. I will comment that here in central Illinois we have had several deaths in recent months that were motorcycle related. Not having a helmet was not the worst of this several were under the influence. Here in Illinois in 2009 we had 108 fatalities and 80 of those were not wearing helmets. maybe they would have helped and maybe not. A friend from years ago told me "the difference between wearing a helmet and not wearing one is an open casket funeral". None of us will cheat death so live it the best way that YOU can.


First off, I would never post a saftey gear opinion, on a post requesting prayers, for someone that is hurt, and in fact, think it was not a good decision to do so. Now, that doesn't mean that the majority of people wasn't "thinking it"...


Secondly It should have ended there, as it's not going to do the people currently going through anguish and grief any good. Especially with the streak of accidents we've been having lately. So if anyone from those circumstances reads this, I hope they understand this is not directed in any way towards them.





Until the motorcycle Insurance companies start covering health care costs for all motorcycle riders, with increased rates for people that don't wear helmets, I can't agree with you.


Seat belts, and Helmets save lives and lessen a persons stay in the hospital. It's a proven fact...


My crash with a deer last year was $12,000, $1000 for a ambulance trip and $11,000 for 3 hours in the ER. I got to pay $7,200 with my crappy $5000 ded. insurance that I pay over $500 a month for... " and I was wearing a full face with all the gear". It would have been much worse, had I not... the Dr said it was a miracle that I ended up with just 2 broken ribs... No road rash... the visor and chin portion of the helmet was almost completely ground thru ... Dr. said he would have been talking facial reconstruction and plastic surgeon had i not worn one...



When one is in the hospital for days/weeks/months, there is "no way" that what they paid in, will cover the bill. Hence the insurance companies spread the costs out amongst everyone including me.


With all the people that get insurance free and, all the people that don't take the necessary precautions, I'm being pushed to the point of considering dropping my insurance as I can no longer afford it...


At one time seat belts weren't mandatory.... Imagine that...


rant off...


Well, I have to agree with Brian on this one. I do strongly advocate the use of protective gear having learned at an early age thru an experience of one of my friends who WAS wearing a full face helmet and went down. He told me that as he was sliding he watched the plastic peel away and realized that could have been his face!! By the same token hindsight is always 20/20 and yes in both cases a full face helmet MAY have made a difference or it may not have either, we will never know! Although I agree with the comment made concerning the use of proper helmets I also have to agree that it may not have been the best place to post in the thread as it can come off as insensitive even if that was not the intent, which I'm quite sure it wasn't.


Whether or not to wear protective gear is an individual choice just like what religion you chose to follow, and should NOT be forced on someone else. That being said, one can not deny that protective gear can and does prevent serious injuries in many instances. The choice is yours...


I would like to see a topic under TECH TALK for - Riding Gear


Motorcycling is about personal choice, and personal freedom. Some enjoy little protective gear as possible, others like to wear a full suit for every ride.


I would like to hear from those on this forum who have "been there done that" and what their opinions about the gear they were or were not wearing.


With a thread for Riding Gear, it can be left off the thread for prayer request.





Some of you people remind me of a dog with a bone . . . You can't just let it go.


Jeff was pretty clear in his rant and yet here are the same tired comments rolled out;

"Oh, people should make their own decision, but, if they don't do as I say they are wrong'


Please Give It A Rest . . . :sign **** happens:


I haven't a clue if the law (in Ohio ) has been changed or not but it used to be that you must wear a helmet if you were under 18 years of age OR if you have had a motorcycle endorsement for less than 12 months.


After 18 you are not required to wear a helmet, after holding an endorsement for 1 year, you are not required to wear a helmet.


Don't remember ANYTHING about boots above the ankle, joe rocket kevlar jackets or padded gloves written into the law.


Good Golly people, accidents happen, it's part of the life cycle. Anybody over the age of 30 has got to have that figured out by now.

Bet you have your helmet on too .....


Well said Jeff and please listen to Mini - she's not always crazy ...



Thanks for the endorsement for non crazy mini. I don't think many are gonna buy it though. :whistling:

As for the rest of this I try never to judge folks on what they do. Never know what you'd do in someone else's shoes.

Might need to take up a collection to get owl some bulletproof glass as well for his monitor. :Laugh:



As a lifetime member of ABATE and CMRO I am of the belief that you should wear whatever gear you wish or do not wish to wear.

It is all about personal choice and not being told by a govenment pinhead that you need to follow his rules because he thinks he needs to make decisions about your safety.

I wear a helmet, leather and riding boots.

That is MY CHOICE.

I also wear a seatbelt in the car. Being ex police I have seen what happens when seatbelts or motorcycle helmets are not used.

I still believe that a person has a choice in how they live their lives and chose any precautions that they feel comfortable with.


Since the age of 13, when I rode my first dirt bike, I realized that I was a full on "Adrenaline Junkie". I realized even earlier that I didn't like people telling me what I could, or could not do. My Psychiatrist tells me this condition makes me an "Antisocial" person.

I have lived my entire life by my fists and my wits. As I have gotten older, it appears as if it is more "wits", than fists these days. But the fact remains, I'll take a beat down before I will let another human being tell me "what is best for me", in their opinion.

I have seen people live their entire lives driven by Fear. The fear of what other people might think of what they are doing, the fear of working on their own bikes because they won't do it "perfect", the first time, the fear of wearing a striped tie with a checked jacket?!?! The fear of wearing white after March! (Good Grief)

Now don't get me wrong, there are things I am afraid of, like the fact that my children might never own their homes, that I might have to "push 1 for English" to cash my paycheck, and things like that. But if a full grown man or woman wants to take a ride on their motorcycle, with the wind blowing thru their hair, then I say, "you go boy" because the last time I checked, we still live in the old US of A, where (If the law permits) you can choose to wear, or not wear the gear of your choice while riding your motorcycle.

I have been known to ride my bike "slightly over the speed limit" from time to time, and even on one wheel occasionally, (accidentally of course) and I DO wear a helmet and leathers in a state that does not require it, not because of fear, but to be prepared. I wouldn't expect an NFL football player to play ball in his "Snoopy P.J.'s" and I don't ride my bike at 105 MPH in my BVD's either. If I choose to run to the market without my helmet, then I have chosen to do this, and I accept the reality of what may happen.

If given the choice of living forever, but giving up every "crazy thing" I have ever done, and lived thru, or dying tomorrow, while flying down a 2 lane, with a good cigar clenched in my teeth, 15 over the speed limit, on one wheel, staring "steely eyed" at an 8 point buck smack in the middle of the road.....

Well, you get the point.

ANY "Bone" I have ever taken hold of, has NEVER been released, and will only be pried from my cold, dead, right hand, with an empty clipped 9MM in the left hand.

WE ALL DIE! That's a fact. I am sure Jean will cry just as hard if I am 110 and dead in my bed, or 56 years old, and died doing what I loved to do all my life. I think Jeff was saying that he PERSONALLY prefers to decide for himself, as do I, and I commend him for having the courage to speak up.

As far as "sayin' something stupid" at the totally wrong time goes, being a loud mouth wise cracker myself, I have an infinite amount of forgiveness about that one. My dad used to tell me, "Boy, the only time you open your mouth is to change feet!"

This is a difficult time for the members of this forum, we have seen MANY members go down this year, and for the "Control Freaks" in our group, this has been almost unbearable. It also makes the rest of us wonder, "is motorcycle riding still a viable option for ME because of my age, physical limitations, hearing, sight, short legs, hands of a 10 year old boy, etc.". Each of us will need to CHOOSE to answer these questions for ourselves, and there is nothing wrong with a "Reality Check", from time to time, just like an oil change, or a tune up, or a new rear tire.

My suggestion would be to continue to ride defensively, wear the gear if it allows you to feel more comfortable during your ride, continue to "smoke um' if you got um'", and don't EVER let anyone. or anything, try to take the FREEDOM to CHOOSE to ride your motorcycle from YOU, EVER!


(P.S. Get well soon Dan)


I agree 100% with Jeff! It is not appropriate to comment on someones choice of gear whether they are injured or not. It is your own personal choice, and own level of risk. Many of my friends think my risk level is to high because I ride at all. We all decide, how much risk is our fun worth.

I could get political, but I will stop there.

I will say that freedom of choice is one of the many items that our country was founded on.

I made my point---now I will read.

Thanks for listening.


I wish the PC Police would just go away.


This thread has liberally mixed three different subjects, none of which deserve to be lumped together.


Subject one - it may be insensitive to post personal opinion about safety gear when the main subject is that someone is hurt. I think that point by the OP was well understood by all. I will not comment further on it except to say that I do not believe anybody was deliberately being insensitive.


Subject two - We have the legal right to wear what protective gear we personally desire, within the bounds of the laws where we ride. I do not see anyone disagreeing with this, so there would seem to be no basis for individuals to get upset about it.


Subject three - People have opinions about the use of safety gear, and not everyone shares the same opinion. Some of those who do not want to wear it seem to get very angry if someone else expresses a different opinion.


I'm sorry folks, but personal opinion is a part of life, as is our right to express it. If you do not like the opinion expressed by someone else, so what? Why does it make you angry? Lighten up people; live your own life, and let others live theirs!



It's a choice and it should always be up the rider to decide on the gear.


I wear my open face helmet and Joe Rocket jacket almost every time Im on the bike.


I don't preach gear to online folk, but I do try to impress it onto new riders that I meet in person. The first 10 years I rode, I rode with no gear at all and I even rode in shorts and sandals.


Then 1 day a friend/co-worker had a low speed get off (less than 30mph) and bounced his head off the road. They scooped out pieces of his brain that had died and stapled his skull back together with a drain hose hanging out and he was in a coma for 6 weeks. His girlfriend and newborn baby waited to see if he was ever going to wake up. He woke up and is more or less fairly normal but sometimes has blinding headaches. Since then, I've at least worn a helmet.


I hate to see anyone go down, and I hate to hear of those who have injuries that may of been prevented if gear had been worn.


I was going to post earlier ... and then skydoc posted so now I'll say my piece coz he kinda "opened my door" ...


We will all die sooner or later. Me ... when I die, I want to have a least lived ... and ya can't live if everything you do is restricted because of some "fear".


My feeling is... if you don't like me or what I do or what I wear or not wear, then that's your problem... not mine. When you become PERFECT, you may preach to me and I will listen.

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