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What happens to our bikes when we sell them?


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If you are like me you are always curious what happens to our bikes when we sell or trade them. We I got a Face Book request to be friends with the sales person that handled the trade of our 04 VTX 1800 C on an 07 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe (second week of August 2011). I have post pictures of what they looked like when traded/bought and what the VTX looks like now. The van, driven by a person under the influence of drugs and booze hit the mail box about a quarter mile up the road when the van first left the road. The next thing it hit was our old VTX plowing other bikes and quads our of the way. Far as I know nobody was on or looking at any of the bikes or ATV's. I'm sure the X is totaled being an 04, but it was an 11k bike that looked as good on the bottom as it looked on top, the dealer had it listed as "MINT". BTW the only reason for trading is the Yamaha has air ride, electronic cruise control, factory hard bags and quick release sissy bar and windshield.

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