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Taking a Ride

Rick Haywood

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Well made it home from my trip. Was gone 10 days and rode 3612 miles. What a great ride. Tried to ride all the way home from Panama City, Fl to the house but gave out last night in MT Vernon, IL. Just couldn't go any longer. Man did I sleep good. Will post some pictures later tonight, need to unload the bike now

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Well Here is what I am guessing Rick sat at his computer in his padded room with his invisivble bike and took this wonderful trip. Pictures are worthless at this point as anyone can drag up some pictures that would convince us they had actually taken this trip. Non the less Rick we are glad you made it home Safe.


Does R/B stand for RYTHM AND BLUES?

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Here are a few pics of my Florida trip. Had a great ride and was able to see a bunch of people I wanted to see................but didn't get to see everyone I wanted to so I guess another trip is in order. Suppose I could leave the end of next week. Think i could go for a week and get back before the snow?:big-grin-emoticon::confused24::think:

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