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So often we post information in an effort to help someone who may come across the same problem. Well I'd like to say thanks. Been working on rewiring the passing lamps from the POs not so great job. They work great now with an on/off switch and relay. Thank You for the information on wiring the relay, where to pick up the switch-on DC tap-in. Same with mounting the Kuryakyn battery/volt led meter. I checked the voltage at the battery and at the dash cig lighter (less than .28VDC difference) and mounted it on the triple tree with the power at the cig lighter as suggested. Thank You, was easy after reading the posts. Mounted the Stebel horn using Carbon_One's bracket and wiring instructions. The forum helped with diagrams and experience from users on what worked best. So again I Thank You for your virtual guidance.


I plan on checking my valves this winter. I already have printed out the 4 pages of instructions. Thank You but not because I've completed it yet. But because you collectively have given me the confidence with your past knowledge and guidence that I can do this myself with this virtual support teams help. Thank You once again.

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