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I recently picked up a 98 Royal Star Tour Classic and I'm unable to work the seat lock. I have an ignition key and a key that releases the fuel cap. Which key is used to release the seat lock? Neither key seem to go in very far. I sprayed a small amount of PB Blaster into the lock, but still no luck. :fiddle:


Thank you,



ive gat a 98 also same key as ing and gas cap. you have to turn the key and pull up on the back of the seat at the same time a little awkward. hope this helps hunterspappaw


Chances are that the key that works the gas cap is the original key, if the ignition was replaced, as they often are on the 98's because of placement behind the radiator, chances are they did not re-key the new ignition to use the original key.


I forget how far the key went in to the seat lock on my 98 TC, but I do know that some times I would have to push down hard on the seat or even thump it with may fist right above where the lock is as I was trying to turn the key. That would normally get to release, then I would lube up the pivots and the hook as I recall.


Good luck

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