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My rookie mistake may be more serious

Venturous Randy

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Thinking of you this morning and here if needed .....


I guess no more three stooges acts for a while.


Hey I have more tent pegs!



I was at the eye clinic at the VA at 7:30 this morning and they were able to work me in pretty quick. After a lot of very bright lights shining in both eyes, they sent me to our main civilian eye hospital. This was for a review with an eye surgeon. After another round of being dilated again and a lot more bright lights, the determination is a big time ruptured blood vessel. It is so bad that the doctor has me set up for surgery at 9am tomorrow. This will consist of having the gel taken out of my eye and the leaking blood vessel hopefully fixed. Then, a bubble will be put into the eye to give it the correct shape. The vision I end up with could range from one end to the other, but probably not as good as it was.

So this is just another one of the things I am having to deal with after loosing my job at the end of June. Well, anyway, Sunday is my 61th birthday. Getting old ain't exactly being the golden years so far.


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No steroids?? Interesting, I have a partially detached retina from a ricochet sweet gum ball. Eye doctor put me on steroid drops to aid the healing, told me the blood would dissipate and I might have floaters for a while (I did), also told me I'm at increased risk for glaucoma. No surgery though.


Must be one hell of a bleed Randy, hope things turn out alright. Good luck.

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Must be one hell of a bleed Randy, hope things turn out alright. Good luck.


In looking at the pictures from inside my eye and the examples given when I looked up vitreous hemorrhage, mine looks as bad or worse than the worst example given. At least 1/3 or more of my eye is shrouded in blood.

Well, we are off to see the wizard. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.


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Well, I am home. From the doctors description, it sounds pretty serious. There was a lot of scarring and lazer work to fix some blood vessels. He did put the bubble in and I also had some retina separation. I am now starting to ache and Linda has gone to get the pain meds filled. If she wasn't gone, she would probably not let me be sitting here trying to type this. She is a real keeper.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.


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Take time and heal, and while you are healing I'll come over about midnight and pickup a few parts for Tent Peg! At least I know I have a good chance you will not be able to shoot me! (sorry - couldn't resist)



Well, I am home. From the doctors description, it sounds pretty serious. There was a lot of scarring and lazer work to fix some blood vessels. He did put the bubble in and I also had some retina separation. I am now starting to ache and Linda has gone to get the pain meds filled. If she wasn't gone, she would probably not let me be sitting here trying to type this. She is a real keeper.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.


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Take time and heal, and while you are healing I'll come over about midnight and pickup a few parts for Tent Peg! At least I know I have a good chance you will not be able to shoot me! (sorry - couldn't resist)



12 Guage and number 4 shot. Don't need to be able to see!!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

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Next day follow up after surgery looked good according to the eye doctor. I was really concerned because earlier in the morning, I got sick and had some pretty severe heaves. Right now, about the only thing I can see from my right eye is some light, if it is bright. My depth perception is really screwed up.


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