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Help the kids..................


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icon14.gif Help...................

We need to raise a little more money for the Kids at St. Jude, I was given a hint as to how much NARR group has raised so far and we are going to fall short and loose the challenge, but thats not whats important, we want to make an impact on the research that goes on at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The kids are in need of all the help they can get to find a cure for this horrible affliction that strikes out at everyone, it knows no age limit, young, old it makes no difference. The research that goes on at St. Jude benefits everyone in the long run. If we can raise a little more money we will get the donation to St. Jude go over the $10,000 mark, that would be a combined total from both groups and that would be fantastic. We were told on one of our visits there that the average donation from a m/c group was $2,500.00. We can set a new standard!


If you don't feel comfortable sending the donation to me, you can always make the donation to the hospital via the tribute site we have set up at the St. Jude web site. The link to that page is below. Remember we are going to make the donation in person at St. Jude in Memphis on Oct 1, 2011. You can make a donation at the tribute site any at any time.


Its all about the Kids!!!

Mean Dog Tribute


St. Jude Benefit Ride

Oct. 1, 2011









Follow up from B2Dad


Come on people.....


The time is getting close. I am sure a $1 or $2 won't break most of us. If everyone gave just a dollar, we could hit that $10,000 mark that Lewis spoke of!


I personally will get this going again with a donation of $25.


Who is with me??? Dig deep fellow VR members!


And thanks! It's for the kids, ya know!


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You can send your donation to (partin_guy@yahoo.com)

Mark it as a gift or donation, that way they dont take any fees out and the kids get it all. There is an underscore in the email addy ( partin_guy.)



Lewis & the Kids at St. Jude


any way to send a donation to you by pay pal?

im still in the hospitial but have my lap top with me as you can see. please let me know i can pitch in a few bucks.

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Sent you my donation last week, Even though I am a Member of both groups, I have donated exactly the same amount of cash to each. I have done more soliciting of donations and helped with the sales more for the NARR group because of the location of the group. I personally don't care who wins the "challenge" as long as those kids get to benefit from it! 10,000 dollars! WOW!!! That would be awesome! It is certainly within reach but we are not done yet! We still have a couple of weeks and my wifes sister has donated a hand made quilt to be raffled off at 5 bucks a ticket, as of yesterday she has sold 54 tickets by herself and has set her goal at 100!! Keep in mind that this was a two part challenge! the first part was that the NARR group could raise more money than the Ventureriders, the second part of the challenge was that NARR could bring more people to participate in the cruise to St Judes! I can't wait to see how this will turn out! Oh by the way if any of you folks want to buy a raffle ticket I still have plenty:hurts:

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Received you donation yesterday, thanks, I think we might just make that mark.........




Sent you my donation last week, Even though I am a Member of both groups, I have donated exactly the same amount of cash to each. I have done more soliciting of donations and helped with the sales more for the NARR group because of the location of the group. I personally don't care who wins the "challenge" as long as those kids get to benefit from it! 10,000 dollars! WOW!!! That would be awesome! It is certainly within reach but we are not done yet! We still have a couple of weeks and my wifes sister has donated a hand made quilt to be raffled off at 5 bucks a ticket, as of yesterday she has sold 54 tickets by herself and has set her goal at 100!! Keep in mind that this was a two part challenge! the first part was that the NARR group could raise more money than the Ventureriders, the second part of the challenge was that NARR could bring more people to participate in the cruise to St Judes! I can't wait to see how this will turn out! Oh by the way if any of you folks want to buy a raffle ticket I still have plenty:hurts:
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A question came up on facebook about what % of funds raised was used for research, I remember being told 100% but I may have misunderstood. This clarifies that question.


St. Jude Children's Research Hospital treats and researches catastrophic diseases in children, famously cancer. Research efforts have led to a tremendous change in childhood survival rates for some of these cancers. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), for instance, had a 4 percent survival rate in 1962 and today has a cure rate in children of 94 percent. Sick children are never asked to pay, even if insurance does not cover all costs. The hospital reports that daily operating costs are $1.4 million, most of which is funded through contributions. Out of the contributions, 84 percent of every dollar supports research and treatment. Read more: How to Donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5678403_donate-st_-jude-children_s-hospital.html#ixzz1XyieHw2k

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Thanks for clearing this up for us. I knew they had a very high rate of research AND treatment for the kids. They do such good work that I don't mind a bit giving to this very worthy charity.


And if you are not sure...just go visit this place folks! You will see grown men cry! and that's us visiting! It's a very emotional experience, but one not to be missed. You will see where your donation goes and why it is truly needed.


Make plans now to attend! and just for a kicker..how about a little donation? for the kids ya know!!

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