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The Blonde lives


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Well to make a long story short Mini has been buying me parts for the blonde sine I first left for the sandbox and I started using them this week.Got the bike running for the first time since 2008 and started with the parts installations put 2 new EBC rotors on a spare front wheel took the caliper off the 84 gotta have good brakes.and I rebuilt the starter.still have a loooong way to go before she hits the road but didnt keep me from doing a few laps in the yard today with a nekkid bike just to feel the power and true comfort of a first gen:banana::banana::banana::banana:.

It wont be long till the wing gets sold just want to have the Blonde ready to terrorize the roads with.

I will try to keep yall updated but the more I get to play with her the more I want to do to make her road worthy I forgot how much I really love the 83.And I have to make the rear brakes work that will be a first for me all the brakes on the blonde working at the same time LOL

Gotta go still have a pile of parts about 3 feet high to put on her.


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nothing wrong with testing out a nekid blonde.

since your going to sell the wing some day i guess the old saying still goes about its cheaper to keep her? the naked blonde right . but then they want new things like shinny stuff, nice looking make up. new shoes and the best part to be taken out and shown off as much as possible. you do know im talking about the bike :rotfl:

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