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PIP is over. Had a super great time, seeing a few old friends and making some new ones!! Followed Bubber home but he said he already had a dog and didn't need any more pets so we continued on the journey. Got out of Minnesota into Wisconsin and made it all the way to the same hotel we stayed at on the way down! Only difference is we are taking 3 days to get as far as we got in 2 days coming out here.


Wisconsin is strange! They name their highways with letters instead of names! Also found a 8 3/4 Avenue! 8 3/4??? Why not 8.75?? What's up with a fraction in an avenue number???


Hoping to make the Indiana border by tomorrow evening...


it was great to have you and to meet you finaly my friend... P I P turned out to be a great successs' again this year. but our best one ever.. seems that every year is better than the year before.. the best part is all of the friendships that are made. and every one that helped to make it great.. thanx to everyone..:thumbsup2::clap2::smile11:/COLOR]


Well, only made it to Joliet Ill today. Mama got tired of riding. Holed up in a Super 8, not the most luxurious but the price is right. Bought a 6 pack of some good local Porter type beer in Wisconsin and enjoyed a couple. Also bought some cheese to enjoy this weekend watching football.


Met a couple at the Hotel this morning that live about 50 miles from us and ride! He has a Harley but hasd to admit that the trike looked waaaaay cool! Then as we were gassing up a guy comes over and asks if that was a Venture. He was with his son, and rode a Strat whilke the son has a V Star 1300. Gave him the address of the website so maybe we will have another new member.


Gonna try to make it close to Cleveland tomorrow and find a nice hotel to stay in like a Hampton...

Well, only made it to Joliet Ill today. Mama got tired of riding. Holed up in a Super 8, not the most luxurious but the price is right. Bought a 6 pack of some good local Porter type beer in Wisconsin and enjoyed a couple. Also bought some cheese to enjoy this weekend watching football.


Met a couple at the Hotel this morning that live about 50 miles from us and ride! He has a Harley but hasd to admit that the trike looked waaaaay cool! Then as we were gassing up a guy comes over and asks if that was a Venture. He was with his son, and rode a Strat whilke the son has a V Star 1300. Gave him the address of the website so maybe we will have another new member.


Gonna try to make it close to Cleveland tomorrow and find a nice hotel to stay in like a Hampton...


you take it easy my friend....we need you back here in one piece...ride safely........hi Becky :biker:


Well heck Bob...I wish I was home so that I could offer you a place to stay tomorrow night but unfortunately, I'm in Michigan until at least Thursday. :(


No problem Boss, we'll just break in!! Is the refrigerator stocked?? Where do you hide the Carolin's??


Appreciate the offer! We are hoping to find a Hampton tonite!!!


Very interesting day today! When we got near the Illinois/Indiana border saw a whole bunch of bikes lined up at the toll booths. Turned out it was a 9/11 ride coming thru and waiting for the rest of the bikes to get thru the toll. We left in advance of them, and at just about every overpass there was fire trucks with lights on and flags waiving and we had a great time waving to the people on the bridge!!


Crossed Indiana and about 2 miles before the Ohio border it started raining! I pulled under a viaduct so Becky could put her rain pants on. Mine were buried in the trunk so I held off until we got to a service stop. Drove thru the rain for a couple of hours. Got near Sandusky before it finally stopped. Made it to the Hampton in Westlake. Sure beats the hell hole we stayed in last nite, much cleaner and more comfortable. We discovered that it's better to stay in a little more expensive place that has a real breakfast. Breakfast this morning cost us $25 at Bob Evan's whereas we expect a great breakfast for free here! Sure, it's $40 more but subtract the breakfast and that's only $15 for a MUCH better room!!


Gonna do a little shopping at this quaint mall across the street before we head home, about 5 hrs or so from here includind stops...


OK finally made it home around 3:30 safe and sound except for my Garmin. It's been acting up fpr some time now and I'm ready to use it as a frisbee or clay target!! Also having problems with the base for my satellite radio, it thinks the antenna is disconnected when it is still connected.


Pretty uneventful day. Put the rain gear on before we left, and it worked, didn't hit any rain save for literally a couple of drops!


Glad I have tomorrow off, got a ton of things to get caught up on...

I think you got some explaining to do!

:whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:


Hey, who was the first eager beaver to have hot sex with me around the campfire, hmmmmmm???

Hey, who was the first eager beaver to have hot sex with me around the campfire, hmmmmmm???



Now Bob you said we could keep that just between the twelve of us! :crying: :yikes: :whistling:

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