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Special Thanks for Vogel...........


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I need to thank some very dedicated members of this forum for their help in making Vogel V a great success. Many people stepped up and helped out big time when I needed it the most. I may have to edit this post later to add a few names, but that"s what happens when you get old and ............I forgot :doh::doh:!!


First and foremost,

A very special thanks to my lovely wife, Charlene, for putting up with me when I start getting crazy just before the event starts. I couldn"t do it without her.


Thanks to Jamie and Paula for helping with design of shirts and patches and all the help at the event.


Thanks to Dana and Missy for stepping up and helping with.......well everything.


Thanks to Taz for bringing Susan who helped on Sat morning with last minute sign ins and food set up ...Thank you Susan!!


Thanks to Patsy Holloway for making a "Tail of the Dragon" quilt which was auctioned off for an extra $100.00 for the kids at St. Jude Hospital.


Thanks to Brian aka Cowboy for taking all the newbies to the area on some fantastic rides.


Thanks to Eck for taking folks out for a nice ride on Sat. and also for making sure there is a Vogel in 2013..........thanks Bud, I owe you.......


Thanks to everyone who brought all the extra door prizes making it possible for a lot of people to take something home besides memories and new friends.


Thanks to my crazy cousins and adopted ones for coming and making me look not so crazy!!!!


Thanks to my volunteer ride captains for leading the alternate rides on Thursday.


And even though he wasnt there, and he was dearly missed, a big thanks to Freebird for starting this big crazy family of VentureRiders!!


And a very big thank you for everyone who showed up to make Vogel V a gigantic success, it just keeps getting better every time. We are looking forward to 2013, when once again I will have to strive harder to surpass this one.


As a final note, I am sure everyone now knows that one of our members was injured in an accident on his way home from Vogel.

I hope everyone will join in prayer for TuffTom for a swift and speedy recovery...........


We love you all and can't wait til the next one!!!

Lewis & Charlene


Edited by DragonRider
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Lewis, Thank you and everyone who helped with this. Shirley and I had a GREAT time and meet so many wonderfull people. I feel I made some life long friends this past week and that in itself made it a great week and to top it off we helped some kids along the way. makes a person feel good to be part of this family.


Again Thank You

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