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I have a 2008 RSTD and I just installed the saddlebag guards. I like them fine, except the stock turn signals now almost touch the saddlebag guards leaving a cluttered appearance. I considered purchasing a license tag set up with lights on either side that are the turn signals but then I would leave behind the holes in the rear fender from the original lights. Does anyone make a replacement that either goes onto the existing mount / stem or do any of you have any creative / attractive solutions that you have tried? Thanks. R.


Just lower your rails. That's what I did. I found a post on here from a guy that did it and I followed his instructions and it worked perfectly. Now the rails follow the body line of the bottom of the saddlebags and it looks great. The rails are now better than an inch from the touching the turn signals.


I don't remember who posted it but if you do a search on 'saddlebag rails' you'll probably find it pretty quick. Someone will probably jump in and post the link for you if they haven't done so already... Good luck.


Ditto the above post.If you move down to the next bolt in the fender stay you will haave the clearence you need and the guards will look even better.BTW after 2 crashes with the bars I can say they are more then meer decoration.They actually work!!!!


I'll try that. I am thinking that the fender bracing / bolt holes move toward the rear of the bike as they move down meaning that I would need to bend the saddle bag bar a bit. I suppose not if people have done it. Thanks for the suggestions. R.


I drilled another hole about 1/4" below the original ones and used a nut on the back of the rail. Didn't have to bend anything. Looks GREAT!!! You'll just need to line them up where you think they need to be and mark where the new hole should go. Not a big deal at all.


I put mine on and left them a little loose. Push down hard on rear corner till you get the rails to line up with the bottom of the bags and then tighten down. No drilling, and only takes a few minutes to do.Looks better and doesn't rub the turn signals.

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