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Nothing more to add....


Kathy showed up at our work this morning as she had to drop off some paperwork for the short term disability for David. I also forgot my drink holder in her car

:doh: she knew I would feel naked without it and gave it back to me :)


No change in David's condition really, he's still in critical condition, but he's stable. They have further cleaned him up and both Kathy and their daughter Shannon commented on how much better he looks from the previous day. He is responding to stimuli, verbal he is reacting slower, but if they poke and prod him the reactions are quicker. This is actually some good news as it appears that there isn't any paralasis. They are also trying to bring him out of the induced coma they put him in. He's not cooperating though

:whistling: gotta love him, still being a stubborn one!


I know there are folks local that absolutely want to go down to the hospital, please dont. The only ones allowed in right now are immediate family. As soon as Kathy feels better about this we will get in to see him. They have been in the room with him, but have been instructed not to touch him as that would lead to possibly negative stimulation and create more brain activity which is not something they want a lot of right now until the brain swelling goes down.


There are a couple of questions I saw in this thread and I want to address them.



David was wearing a half helmet and unfortunately this is why there is so much damage to his face and jaw. I am seriously rethinking my wearing of a half helmet and very possibly might look into another full face helmet. Thank you for the offer of support and should we need it we will let you know.



We really have no clue on what caused this accident. The tires on the bike were still aired up when we saw it on the flatbed so as far as I could tell there was no tire issue. Davids bike is in very good shape as he's pretty meticulous about it mechanically, so unless this was a catastrofic failure of a component I'm having doubts about that. What I am about to say is purely speculative, but there are a few of us that believe it was something medical. I will say this again, this is a guess at best, we have no knowledge of this and we'll have to wait and see if there can be tests to confirm or deny this.


As always Thank You All for keeping David and his family in your thoughts and prayers. I keep praying for the best in the hopes that I can have one of my best friends back.


David....We LOVE you brother!


I've never met Ponch or anyone from VentureRider but I can't help but feel like a part of my family is hurting right now. I wish Ponch and his family the best and hope that they can look forward to the better days once again.


I'm the new guy around here but Ponch has already been a big help for me. I'm not normally one for prayer but I too am praying for a speedy and full recovery.




Yes, thank you Brad for the updates.

Can not express my concern for David but I know he is a fighter and will come out of this.

As we all are worried, please keep us updated when you know something.


Brad like you Dave is one of my closest friends and not being there is really hard for me and I also know what you mean by respecting Kathy's wishes at this point in time .

Thank You for keeping us to date and as everyone said if there is anything we can do please let us know!!!!

God Bless


Squid, Do we know no other vehicles were involved? ie that it wasn't a hit & run driver or someone Ponch swerved to avoid who just drove away? Witnesses? seems to be a lot of that going on, is why I ask.


More prayers sent for David and Kathy.


Thanks for the update, Brad - really appreciated all your efforts in this as I know it must be hard. Well wishes and prayers for a positive outcome still being sent for Dave and Kathy.

Squid, Do we know no other vehicles were involved? ie that it wasn't a hit & run driver or someone Ponch swerved to avoid who just drove away? Witnesses? seems to be a lot of that going on, is why I ask.


More prayers sent for David and Kathy.



This appears to be an isolated accident, David was not hit by another vehicle and no other vehicles were involved. The only witness stated that he saw David start to weave in the lane and then went down. Other than that we dont know if there was something in the road, or what. This is why in my last post, a couple of us have theorized, based purely on guessing, that perhaps David suffered some sort of medical condition, be it a stroke or anurizm or whatever. As I mentioned and I will state again this is not based on any facts but just a gut instinct that some of us have.


I have some news.....and its GOOD!



David, for the 1st time in 2 days....opened his eyes! Monkey Boy just 15 minutes ago talk with Kathy and was filled in on a few things. He is coming out of his sedated state, slowly, but he is coming back to us. He was instructed to wiggle his toes verbally, and he did...all of them. Obviously he can't talk as there are tubes and such in his throat, but he was awake :)


He was also instructed to move his arm across to the other side of his body and he made it about half way before he fell back asleep. Obviously he is very weak and with a lions heart made his best attempt, which fell a little short but thats ok, it's a start :thumbsup2:


I know you can tell from my writing that I am excited, I am, more than I can express here with words. I also want to keep myself in check, we are not out of the woods yet. There still needs to be a lot more brain relief, so dont let up, if this is the results we get for what we have prayed already lets do more. We need to tell God that we need David here more than he needs him there, we must convince him of that. As always thank you all for rallying around David and his family. I am wanting nothing more than to keep bringing good news about David. As I know it so will you folks, I hope that our friend keeps coming back to us, God Bless all of you for believing.



PS I almost forgot to mention it, they ended up having to shave Davids head. It appears it is a reverse mohawk so there's nothing in the center. His daughter Shannon said he looks like Bozo the clown :hihi:


Thank you Squidley...I check this thread multiples daily looking for your updates. Please keep them coming...especially those GOOD REPORTS. Although I don't know Ponch or Kathy...knowing and hearing about his progress and recovery are beautiful things to hear.




Get well SOON Ponch!!! I look forward to the day he makes his first post back on here again. I anxiously await that day.



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