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Our deepest and upmost prayers are and continue to be sent. Ponch has been a very close friend for years. So thankfull for everyone that was with us today.


Brad and Lonna left here about 30min ago and will post again when they get home. For now I just ask that every one continue to pray for Ponch, as I do beleave there is Power in numbers.


God Speed Dave!!


Kreg & Janet


Not a lot more right now, but it warms my heart that my family here has come together for one of it's own. We are nowhere's near out of the woods, David is still in critical condition. We still do not know how the accident occurred, we may never know as David, God willing, comes through this might not remember.


Monkey Boy...God love him, has been feeding us info as much as he could. They still have David under pretty heavy sedation so he doesn't fuss. There are more injuries, as I understand it, his top plate of his mouth is broken, as well as some of his teeth, he has a broken jaw. It appears that when he came off the bike his chin must have impacted 1st and very hard. There might be some fractures in his hand. Let me also say that I do not have 1st hand information on any of this, I have not seen David, so please take all this with a grain of salt until I can personally see and understand what is going on.


Thank you all again so very much for thinking of David and his family. This is a very hard time for them and the entire Houston crew as we are all pretty tight with David and Kathy. I will be heading back down to the hospital tomorrow and will keep everyone here informed as I can...Thanks again :thumbsup2:


Thanks Brother!! now get ya some sleep. Thats where I`m headed. I`ll talk to ya`ll tomorow.





Not a lot more right now, but it warms my heart that my family here has come together for one of it's own. We are nowhere's near out of the woods, David is still in critical condition. We still do not know how the accident occurred, we may never know as David, God willing, comes through this might not remember.


Monkey Boy...God love him, has been feeding us info as much as he could. They still have David under pretty heavy sedation so he doesn't fuss. There are more injuries, as I understand it, his top plate of his mouth is broken, as well as some of his teeth, he has a broken jaw. It appears that when he came off the bike his chin must have impacted 1st and very hard. There might be some fractures in his hand. Let me also say that I do not have 1st hand information on any of this, I have not seen David, so please take all this with a grain of salt until I can personally see and understand what is going on.


Thank you all again so very much for thinking of David and his family. This is a very hard time for them and the entire Houston crew as we are all pretty tight with David and Kathy. I will be heading back down to the hospital tomorrow and will keep everyone here informed as I can...Thanks again



Irene and I can certainly understand this situation. I have a strong understanding of the hospitalization after a crash, Irene knows about being called/taken to the hospital after receiving vastly troubling news. Our hearts go out to both Ponch, and Lilbit. Friends, we will keep you both uppermost in our thoughts. We regret that we are too far away to be of any help - there's always something that can be done. As it is, we'll have to settle for worrying.


I am devastated to read this - just got home from a very long ride today and this is the first thing I saw - both here and on Facebook. Saw Ponch and LilBit again - at the Cody Rally - and as everyone mentions - just two of the most wonderful and caring folks I have ever met. Definitely in our prayers - and thanks, Squid/Lonna for keeping us updated and sharing positive information (as positive as it gets) regarding Ponch. Let me know if there is anything I could share / do from out here.


Thanks for the updates Brad. This must be hard on you guys so make sure to look after yourselves as well.


Our thoughts are still going strong for Dave and Kathy. We know how bad Big Bob was injured a few years ago and how well he recovered. Dave is no slouch and will give it a good go.


It saddens me to hear of this, met and talked with Dave on more than a few occasions. This is two tragedies to happen yesterday, the day I gave away my daughter in marriage, as there was a stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair just before the Sugarland concert last night. Our prayers go out to David and Kathy as that is the most we can do for now.

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