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Great news!


I hope Ponch gets to read parts of this thread! Over 33,000 views and 500 posts...and most of them prayer and good thoughts for him.


That should sure make him feel better!


Ponch is a real trooper. I still pray for him daily and his road to recovery is truly an inspiration to me. I only hope that I would be half the man that he has shown to be during this horrible ordeal.


First off let me add my meager good wishes and prayer to Ponch Lil Bit and their family. After reading page upon page of good wishes It brought a tear to my eye . This site is incredible because of the people here and the positive attitude everyone has. I don't stop in like I used to but every time i do I'm constantly reminded what wonderful people you all are.


To Ponch I wish you a speedy recovery. To his wife and family I send all the positive energy I can and to all the rest of you Venture riders who filled these posts with Love, concern and caring i want you all to know you and great and wonderful people I an honored to count as my friends even if I've only met a few of you. God speed to all!:thumbsup2:


Thanks for the updates all. So glad to hear the good news, from what is to me, such a far away place.


I know the best news always comes because of a very far country, called heaven. I Thank God that Ponch is coming along so well. This all has been such an inspiration to me. I am humbled by all the friends here on this site that care so much for everyone and all there wonderful words of encouragement to those in need.


Still praying for my friend and his family. :thumbsup2:





First off Penny and I have been praying for Ponch, Lil bit and family "like everyone else" for a while now, and it appears to be working! OUTSTANDING!


Did they ever conclusively deduce what happened to Ponch to cause this accident?


Reason I'm asking is, took Mom and Aunt Mary to Dr's yesterday and after telling the Dr. about the spell she had in Wallmart last week (weakness, disorentation, loss of balance etc ) he told her she had a Hypo-glycemia(sugar crash) Said she couldn't drive a car for a while till she got it under control. She is suppose to eat 5 meals a day mostly protein with a severe restriction on carbs...



Hopefully it's something simple to correct...


hi folks

got to visit with ponch today. kreg, hal, lonna & brad were already there visitng with cathy & ponch. man what a improvement i saw with ponch. the tirr hospital has done wonders with david. but it's his determantion to get better and get out of there. i also know it's the work of god and all the thoughts and prayers of the whole VENTURE FAMILY. david was looking at pictures that lonna & brad had brought. david was remembering a lot of names and putting them to the correct faces. he still has a way to go but it had me in tears when i left to see him in such better shape than just a few weeks ago. brad will most likey be posting soon with a better up date.

reguards to all

don c.


Thank You Don aka Gunboat for the up dates as Peg & I are checking each and everyday on David's progress.

Would love to see Ponch & Kathy but we figure it best and wait awhile and see how Kathy feels on having more Visitors.

The up dates are doing us a world of good - more than you think!!

Don Next time you see them please give them both a hug from Peg & I as we Love them so very much.

God Bless



Went to see David today on the way to work. Seen a big improvement since 2 weeks ago. We talked for over an hour, we laughed and even cried several times. He and Kathy talked about the pictures Brad and Lonna brought. Kept telling me about a kregerdoodle who came to see him. David now calls me pkman. The security guard told me on the way in the building that he was very popular. I told him you have no idea, he has a big family. Keep the prayers coming, its working. Was great to see him getting better, long way to go, but he is making good progress. Can't wait to visit again soon to talk more with him.


Don and I still pray for Ponch and Kathy. so very glad you guys are posting his updates. We too would love to visit but it's a bit too far away.


He is a really great guy, so we hope the good news keeps coming and we will keep the prayers going too. Ponch is a fighter and we know he will keep improving with so many praying for him.


Don and Patti

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