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Thanks Squid for the updates. It always good to hear progress. I try to keep watch on this thread to keep up to date, but several pages are added daily.

Just a thought, but would it be possible to have a thread just for updates that only a moderator can post to. That way we can keep updated on his progess. Still keep this threrad going for the thoughts and prayers, but would be easier for everyone to keep posted on the new news. :2cents:


I am overwhelmed by this latest update from Brad!!! Way to go Brother:bighug:..... and ROCK ON PONCH!!:cool10:

Boomer....who sez the pygmies are happy-dancing all over de house now too.:shock3:


Thanks Suidley. Like you, I do not want to get to excited about Ponch's improvement, for I have been in that situation before.But still I am so thankful to God that Ponch is improving. I come check the thread often and feel so far away. But after reading your updates Squidley, I feel so much more the better. God, please continue to bless and help our friends. A very humble Amen.....

Fuzzy :thumbsup2:


Thanks for the update Brad. I know Ponch's will is strong, and he'll fight all he can to get back to normal. Sounds like some of the sedation is wearing off, and he is doing just that. We're still pulling for him here, and look forward to more good news as the hours pass.:happy34:

Great news !

And Ponch.... when you are well enough to read this thread and the outpouring of prayers and best wishes you will see how we all rallied for you !

Over 230 posts and over 9400 views on this thread in three days ! Keep the good news coming and a speedy recovery for David !



And thats just on here........facebook is flooded too...........at least five or six threads hit my home page everyday............many prayers sent and more to come......get well soon my soon to be friend....weve never net as I know but Im looking forward to the day.






And Squidley the idea of a seperate update thread that is hooked to only moderators would be nice.


Great news. I think this is the most viewed thread this weekend by everyone. We'll keep checking and thinking and praying and keeping all our body parts crossed that we can. That last bit might make it hard to walk though.


Thanks for all the updates Squid.




Thanks for the updates Brad. This is a hard lesson about Helmets. Those that remember the pics I posted of my Fullface the last time I went down know I wouldn't be here if not for that thing. I would love to wear a 1/2 brain bucket. But I'm not going to do it. I have a nice 3/4 I've slipped on a few times lately with the heat and it feels good. But I'm going to be rethinking that.

Prayers will continue for a full recovery.


Our thoughts and Prayers for Ponch and Cathy. Don just told us about what was going on. Hate to hear, but hoping it turns out well. Don't believe this is the time nor place for a helmet debate though:no-no-no:. Just sayin.

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