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Our Venture West


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While travelling along the Yellowhead Trail through Saskatchewan on our trip west, my exhaust noise got louder and still louder again after part of the chrome cover to the exhaust pipe broke away. The exhaust pipe from the collector had broken loose from the muffler and the muffler was left hanging with no support. The end of the exhaust pipe was rusted and broken away so badly that it couldn't be reconnected to the muffler. Truely an Oh Sh-- moment that could have ruined our trip west. The first picture shows the exhaust pipe with the muffler removed. Got lucky as the next town had a Canadian Tire Store (open on Sunday) where I bought an exhaust pipe coupler designed to reduce pipe size and some aluminum duct tape. After removing the original clamp at the mouth of the muffler and wrapping both the front few inches of the muffler and the last few inches of the exhaust pipe with the aluminum duct tape for a tight fit, I slid the coupler over the muffler and the exhaust pipe and bolted my muffler back in place. To my surprise, there is no exhaust leak and I think the joint is as strong as original. I would bet that mine isn't the only first gen with a wore out exhaust pipe under the chrome cover. This solution works so good that I might post it in the Poor Man Tips and Fixes section.

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We are into our second week of our trip west, now in Alberta heading towards Drumheller. The first 4000 kms have been great - fabulous weather and amazing scenery - and I will post some pictures. Today was also special as we met up with Road Haug (Jim) and his wonderful wife near North Battleford, Saskatchewan for lunch. Unfortunately, our route and timing didn't allow us to meet up with Friesman1 (Brian) in Regina and Sarges46 (Rick) in Brandon, Manitoba. We did stop at E-Fishin-C's back in Ontario but he was "gone fishin". This is an amazing forum as is Western Canadian hospitality.

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The exhaust pipe from the collector had broken loose from the muffler and the muffler was left hanging with no support. The end of the exhaust pipe was rusted and broken away so badly that it couldn't be reconnected to the muffler. This solution works so good that I might post it in the Poor Man Tips and Fixes section.


Evan, from seeing the pics, that is one nice OTR repair job.:thumbsup2: Please provide the couplers size as well, for a quick reference.

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While travelling along the Yellowhead Trail through Saskatchewan on our trip west, my exhaust noise got louder and still louder again after part of the chrome cover to the exhaust pipe broke away. The exhaust pipe from the collector had broken loose from the muffler and the muffler was left hanging with no support. The end of the exhaust pipe was rusted and broken away so badly that it couldn't be reconnected to the muffler. Truely an Oh Sh-- moment that could have ruined our trip west. The first picture shows the exhaust pipe with the muffler removed. Got lucky as the next town had a Canadian Tire Store (open on Sunday) where I bought an exhaust pipe coupler designed to reduce pipe size and some aluminum duct tape. After removing the original clamp at the mouth of the muffler and wrapping both the front few inches of the muffler and the last few inches of the exhaust pipe with the aluminum duct tape for a tight fit, I slid the coupler over the muffler and the exhaust pipe and bolted my muffler back in place. To my surprise, there is no exhaust leak and I think the joint is as strong as original. I would bet that mine isn't the only first gen with a wore out exhaust pipe under the chrome cover. This solution works so good that I might post it in the Poor Man Tips and Fixes section.

I doupt I would have thought of that one , and I am McGuyver from way back. Defifnitly a candidate for the Poor Mans Tips and Fixes.:thumbsup2:

Glad your enjoying your trip. Can't wait to see the Pics

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We just finished our 2nd week of our Venture West - so 3 weeks before we have to get back to Toronto. Still hope to make it to Tofino on Vancouver Island. What an amazing trip so far with outstanding weather - sunny days and not a drop of rain. We have rode 11 and 17 to Sault Saint Marie in Ontario, 22, 41, 26, 64, 28 and 2 through the Michigam UP, 2, 13 and 53 through Wisconsin to Duluth, 2, 73 and 53 through Minessota, 71 and 17 through Ontario again to Kenora, 1, 26 and 16 through Manitoba, 16, 40, 21 and 14 through Saskatchewan, 13, 20, 39, 22, 16, 93, 1A, 40, 22 and 3 through Alberta and we are now heading west on 3 from Fernie BC.

My wife Anne has done a trip blog that includes some of our pictures. Those interested can view the blog (and commednt right in the blog if you wish) at: http://venturewest-evan-anne.blogspot.com/

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how far west are you coming and what schedual ? Victoria BC

Kevin, we changed our route once again this morning (see our blog) so now we expect to ride from Kootenay Lake area to Kamloops area tomorrow and then down 99 to Vancouver the next day. Hope to be on the island Wed night or Thurs am for a few days. Been talking with Rocket about a ride to Tofino. Hopefully we can connect.

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I will be at home Wed night in Sidney.... if you guys are around {along with the locals,} maybe we could meet at a pub ???


ps: Sidney is where you get off the ferry from Tsawwassen


cheers, Gary


I would be in for this


Maybe later this long weekend, depends on Evan. Here is the latest from him.



Hi Paul. Tonight we are in Kamloops. How does Friday look for you? If it is good, would you like to get away Thurs after work or Fri am? Are you thinking of a day or overnight ride? Do you want to invite anyone else? Tried to call and left message.



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I would like to try to meet you in Naniamo with Rocket. Friday is my wife's birthday so I was reluctant to go until she said she would come along. First time in 2 years she will be on the bike. Can't go to Tofino as I have to be back on Saturday to do the toy run. I am Santa so really can't beg off.

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I would like to try to meet you in Naniamo with Rocket. Friday is my wife's birthday so I was reluctant to go until she said she would come along. First time in 2 years she will be on the bike. Can't go to Tofino as I have to be back on Saturday to do the toy run. I am Santa so really can't beg off.



Fabulous Kerry. Just talked to Paul and he will call you with arrangements.

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They should be off Vancouver Island now, on their way East. There were wet feet, in the salt water this morning. Also stopped to see a couple of huge flying boats (brochure included below) pics were taken as well. They also saw some old growth trees today, before stopping in Nanimo to get the trailer.

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They should be off Vancouver Island now, on their way East. There were wet feet, in the salt water this morning. Also stopped to see a couple of huge flying boats (brochure included below) pics were taken as well. They also saw some old growth trees today, before stopping in Nanimo to get the trailer.



Yes, after 7200 km, we are now heading east, making our way back to Toronto from the west coast. We had the thrill of being led by Rocket on an overnight ride across the Vancouver Island mountains on the amazing road from Nanaimo to Tofino. We had the added pleasure of meeting, eating and riding with Sailor and his beautiful wife Janet for part of the trip. Here a a few pictures showing Sailor and his wife, all of us, Rocket by the ocean, Rocket enjoying a "Big Daddy burger with poutine, my wife dipping her feet in the ocean and Rocket and me staring at the ocean.

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Also stopped to see a couple of huge flying boats (brochure included below) pics were taken as well.


Here are my pics of the flying boats, which are water bombers for fire fighting, the fuel tanker puts the size into perspective.


No tours at the fire base yesterday, as they were servicing the aircraft. :bang head:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ann and Evan stopped by yesterday,,, spent about 1.5 hours talking about their trip,,, what an awesome time they had,,, they seen beautiful country, practically no rain, and no problems that they couldn't handle on the road. I think I would like to have their trip map. Anybody want to go for a ride? We'd be back in 35 days.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My thanks to Anne for the wonderful pictures and write up of your trip on her blog. Enjoyed following your trip, brought back memories.

Thanks Karl. Yes, it was a truely amazing trip made even better by 5 weeks (yes - 35 days) without rain. We chose to stay off the slabs for most of the trip and to not have a planned destination/hotel reservation each day, so we were able to explore along the way. We were able to ride some amazing roads and see some amazing sights which we tried to capture in my wife's blog. The posative feedback from that blog has also surprised us. For those that are interested, the link to the blog is

http//venturewest-evan-anne.blogspot.com/ and there is a picture of our route on the last post.

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