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A married couple were killed early Sunday morning when they were rearended by a drunk driver at a stop light. Wonder if this will be covered up like the cop in Indianapolis that killed that biker at a stop light while driving drunk.




its sad it went down that way,they played by the rules ,but didnt help. its truely a battlefield once you mount your bike. prayers for thier love ones.


I really hate to hear that.


Here in Milwaukee the Police Chief has finally publicly recognized that the department has a drinking issue after a lot of Milwaukee P.O.s have been getting ticketed and arrested for OWI. The chief has said that they will be looking into what can be done to reduce the amount of alcoholism on the force. The local Sheriffs Dept has the same problem. Here the police and sheriff do not play well together so they do not have an issue arresting each other for OWI. It makes the news every time too.


I was bieing a little sarcastic, I know they won't cover it up because a cop wasn't involved. It was a dig at Infianapolis and the way they handled the death of the biker there.


The guy needs locked up for about 15 years to think about it!... 7 1/2 years for each person...


With that being said...


" And just before 2 AM a Peoria Police squad car drove onto the site of a three-vehicle accident at the corner of Glen and Sheridan that left a married couple dead."


Most cops I know have said that your out after midnight the possibillity that you've been drinking/doing drugs go way up... unless your comming home from second shift etc... so on and so forth... the story even said the woman in the suv in front of the bike was drunk... When the autopsy comes out I'd be surprised if the bikers weren't also drinking.


My Point being, I won't ride a bike after 9 pm as that's when all the Idoits that have been sleeping all day come out to Start the whole routine over... I won't ride a bike if I've had more than 2 drinks(although I try to limit myself to ONE)... threes the magic number in most states


I am truly Sorry for this couple. They just picked a bad time to ride... and ... had no exit stragity or awarness of who was behind them...


Leslie and I on our way home from Cody WY was driving thru Peoria on 24 east of town 7/31/11 about 5-6pm and passed a accident where a bike was smashed between two vehicles it was fatal, the traffic was shifted to the other side of the road with cones and signs, the pavement was spray painted like a crime scene.

It had appeared the it had happened several hours before.

Thats the reason we all need to install additional lighting on the rear of our bikes,

it wont fix a drunk driver, but it could help us to be seen better.

Very sad couple of weeks for Peoria bikers...


There have been two biker deaths in this county in the last month or so. The most recent had taken place about the time I get off work in the morning and I drove by the scene on my way home. According to the local paper, the biker slowed down to do a right turn [with turn signals] off US 290 onto a county road and the idiot in the truck behind him rear-ended him forcing both the bike and rider into the inside lane where he/it was run over by another vehicle and killed. The other accident was a bike and a 18 wheeler, also on 290. I saw what was left of that bike and that one looked like the rig did a lane change and the bike ended up underneath the trailer. Everything above tank level was gone and a good bit of what was below was twisted.


They just don't see us. I'm looking at ways to light up my RSTC like a Xmas tree. What gets me are the bikes I see that have very few not to mention very small lights that I have fun seeing in daylight or dark.


By the way, anyone coming thru Brenham/Washington County here in Texas, be VERY careful. US 290 thru Brenham is in the middle of a major overhaul. They're figuring on messing things up here in town for something like 3 years. To top it off, the construction firm handing the work had two of it's crews standing idle down in Houston so they got permission to bring them up here. End result is three different construction zones, all basically running together. Access roads are one way and one lane with very limited access from the highway and parts of 290 itself will be one lane as well starting this weekend. OH FUN!! It is also cop heaven. I've seen as many as FOUR units, state, county, & local, working that stretch day or night. State Hwy 36 is not exempt either as it is part of 290 on the south and west sides of town and the northern part of the 36 bypass is having it's speed limit dropped by 10 mph. With the construction company having what looks like portable concrete plants set up along that stretch of 36, traffic up there could get real interesting too.


Stay Alive Everybody!! :missingtooth:

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