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Wrong way award goes to???


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Did you all know that "Madison" and "Mammoth" sound very similar when shouted over running motorcycle engines? We went to Gardner, MT for pizza...not fabulous...and apparantly liked the view so much we went back to Madison via Mammoth. So...after 9 and 1/2 hours we logged 300 miles. Awards for longest time making least amount of distance should be considered. Long distances get recognized, what about short ones? Oh and breakdowns don't count.


Have a great night everyone.

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When we were out there we made a wrong turn at Madison and had to do the whole South loop to get to West Yellowstone where we had hotel reservations. That wrong turn caused us to ride thru the dark and a rain / snow storm, mind you this was in late August. As you know riding in Yellowstone after dark can be hazardous, The Bison blend into the darkness and you don't see them till you're right on top of them :eek:

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I warned you about standing too close to me. It's like the wrongway gene oozes out via osmosis and then takes over. :rotf:

For some reason I figured all that would have changed since Black Owl changed your name to cheap shot.


We didn't have to ride through rain and snow and the dark of night dodging Buffalo and figured if that were worst of our problems then we have it made. We wound up in Idaho Falls for the night staying in our favorite motel where across the street is a great place to eat with plenty of good draft. The room was so cool we shivered under the blankets and loved every moment. Funny thing is once we rearrived back at Norris I tried to make another wrong turn....That time I heard Teri's voice as she used some very threatening hand gestures at me...something to the effect what the *&%$# are you trying to do?


Once Teri wakes up....snooze... we will have a nice leisurely ride home enjoying one more day of riding, so yep... maybe there truly is no wrong turn when your on a motorcycle.

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One thing Erv didn't say is that he had a flash moment of where he thought we would be in our own personal Twilight Zone, forever banished to Yellowstone wandering so close to the gates, but never getting out! :scared:

Teri - the redhead of Pakidaho


For some reason I figured all that would have changed since Black Owl changed your name to cheap shot.


We didn't have to ride through rain and snow and the dark of night dodging Buffalo and figured if that were worst of our problems then we have it made. We wound up in Idaho Falls for the night staying in our favorite motel where across the street is a great place to eat with plenty of good draft. The room was so cool we shivered under the blankets and loved every moment. Funny thing is once we rearrived back at Norris I tried to make another wrong turn....That time I heard Teri's voice as she used some very threatening hand gestures at me...something to the effect what the *&%$# are you trying to do?


Once Teri wakes up....snooze... we will have a nice leisurely ride home enjoying one more day of riding, so yep... maybe there truly is no wrong turn when your on a motorcycle.

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