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Lets see haow many friends I have here ..I need your Likes


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I entered a Photo Contest in our local Paper The Northern Life I need your likes on Facebook I enterd a wasp on a yellow flower there are 2... mine has a clearer shot of the wasp

go to http://www.facebook.com/northernlife.ca... on the left side you will see photo click on that and than click on Northern Life wildlife photos scroll down the photos until you see the photo of yellow flower with all its petals all out and a wasp picking up nectar




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Been there but there is no "Like" button to press. As a matter of fact there isn't one on any of the others I looked at. Which makes me wonder how you got 5 Likes already. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.




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Been there but there is no "Like" button to press. As a matter of fact there isn't one on any of the others I looked at. Which makes me wonder how you got 5 Likes already. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.





Yep, what he says. The other pictures you can like, but not yours ???? I tried ..... PS : go here http://www.facebook.com/northernlife.ca#!/photo.php?fbid=10150283671291489&set=a.10150283670751489.343897.68581756488&type=1&theater this works, thanks Joe .....

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I entered a Photo Contest in our local Paper The Northern Life I need your likes on Facebook I enterd a wasp on a yellow flower there are 2... mine has a clearer shot of the wasp

go to http://www.facebook.com/northernlife.ca... on the left side you will see photo click on that and than click on Northern Life wildlife photos scroll down the photos until you see the photo of yellow flower with all its petals all out and a wasp picking up nectar





Same problem no button to push? :confused24::confused24::confused24:

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took me a dozen trys or more but then i went back and reread charlies post


if you do it just like he tells you how it comes right up with the LIKE button just as big as can be right under the pic


I just need to learn to read all the words sure would save me a lot of time




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