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There are 5 things in life you cannot recover:

A stone...after it's thrown.

A word...after it is said.

An occasion...after it's missed.

The time...after it's gone.

A person...after they die.

Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile, Enjoy Life :) Don't let the special times, things, and persons pass you by.



I just had to share this with you!:bighug:


Good words there Bobbie..


Here are mine:


Cursing a loved one is like hammering a nail in a board..


You can remove the nail by saying I am sorry until you are blue in the face , however you can never remove the hole. You can dance all around that hole by apologizing, caressing, and giving gifts, but you can NEVER remove that hole.


As the days pass, you hammered so many nails in the board (heart) it becomes perforated and very weak.. there isn't enough "meat" (love) left to care about the one you loved.


At that point the inevitable is in view...


Remember... NEVER call a loved one a name...you can never remove that hole.. :thumbsup2:

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