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First Day Riding Cody


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Cody is great riding! Jan had to be back early to work on her and Carol's chili for the cook off so we had a short riding day.


Even with that, we were able to ride Beartooth from east to west. Got some great pics:




Tomorrow Yellowstone!


Oh, and sorry Black Owl



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I would've thought that Mini or some of you other guys would have picked up on my earlier post here, you might want to take a closer look at my bikes listed......


That's all I'm sayin'.........

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Gntttin' older but not slower, didn't want to depend on Red to get me out here and back. Couldn't pass up the deal, 5500 miles on the bike for 9 grand. Safety chrome has already been installed, more to go. I will post pics once we get home, but it is the first bike in Utaventures first pic in his photobucket album. New notebook doesn't have pic resizer on it yet so's I can post some pics. Gonna go hit Yellowstone today......



BTW, isn't Jeff the one who went and got a GW first????:rotf::rotf::rotf:

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Oh Dave yer killing me killing me.My wrist hurts twice as much today from seeing your pictures.Ishould of been there.:(


BTW if you haven't been on the TRA site David Day is doing better,even up and walking.Rt eye is taped as the eyes won't work together but he can see out of them seperately.


Be careful coming home.Thanx for the pictures see u when you get back.

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