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With my girlfriend starting a new temp job last night and 47 degree celcius temperatures (with humidity) it was best to stay inside and enjoy the air conditioning. What else to do but something bike related. :-)


I put together the following chart based on my experiences, Yamaha specs, magazine articles, and member experiences. The figures are based on a "stock" RSV with normal fuel tank and un-corrected odometer. I've also taken into consideration what the "real" main tank capacity differences are from spec (0.5 U.S. gallons) in calculating maximum distance and "real" total fuel capacity. Some numbers don't total up due to rounding.


I've wondered just how far I can go on a tank of fuel, or gotten to the point where I was wondering if I could make it to the next gas station before I ran out of fuel and would have to walk. Hopefully this table is helpful to others.


NOTE - "Low Fuel distance travelled" counter comes on at inconsistent points because of leaning the bike into a corner when you are low on fuel. Once it starts the count down it stays on. The low fuel indicator light goes on and off depending on the lean of the bike.


My 2008 used to use 5.5 gallons from full to walking. Since punching (venting) the filler neck it is now 6.007 gallons from full to walking. My reserve is spot on one gallon. The problem with all this is I don't know exactly what my fuel mileage is until I fill up. And it can change considerably before the next fill up.


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