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Posted (edited)

I just had to ride yesterday.

I started out visiting my Yamaha Dealer in Gastonia (no I don't use the one in Charlotte) for a clutch side switch and screw replacement to help fix my cruise kick off problem. In short order, they had me ready to go. I sent AKRefugee a text of my NEED TO RIDE and he responded ME TOO. So we met at a Subway for a quick "samich" (local for sandwich).

Then it was GO West Young Man for both of us.



We headed toward Lake Lure. At one point AK said his thermometer read 100 something. All I knew was that it was hot and while at the dealer having the cruise switch installed they had apparently done something to make my air conditioner stop working. We arrived in Lake Lure where we did a little twisty road close to some golf courses that I knew. Good little road.



From Lake Lure, we headed toward Black Mountain with the intentions of gaining some altitude and cooler temps. I then received a bee in the helmet. Two stops later he was out. This is where it got a little crazy. While driving through the quiet little town of Black Mtn, I realized there was a truck beside me. The driver was kinda looking at me funny. It appears that after AK and I had delivered a certain someone back to his area a few days ago, this guys wife felt it prudent to let him out of the cage again. :stickpoke:



I'm just glad it was him and I did not have to recall my previous days target practice to get out of there. All kidding aside. Good to see you again Warrior.



After leaving Black Mtn, we proceeded up the Blue Ridge parkway headed toward Highway 80. Along this portion of the ride, temps fell to the 70's. Wow, WAY COOL.

Temps were great, views were great, road just repaved and great. Very enjoyable and a welcome reward for the hot ride up.



AKRefugee going through one of the tunnels.



One of the panoramic views we passed on the ride.



We continued on up the Parkway enjoying the ride and all it had to offer until we reached Highway 80. Now this is what AK lives for. He loves the twistys and throwing sparks.

So down 80 we go. AK takes the lead. (he is a better rider on the twistys and I did not want to slow him down). But you know how we all want to get better:big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:

I was doing a pretty good job of keeping up with him but in the process obviously heated up my rear brake fluid to the point my back brakes went away. Yes, I got stopped. Pried my butt off the seat, went to a tree to relieve myself and came back to the bike to figure out what the heck happened, lower my heart rate, catch my breath and to wait on AK to come looking for me.


After some chuckles and some time for the fluid to cool, off we go to finish the ride down 80 and then home. Yes the ride down the rest of the mountain was much slower and smarter for me.


Over all, great ride and a great day.


Morals of the story......

1) Riding can fix just about anything.

2) Riding with friends makes it even better.

3) Aways be aware of guys staring at you out their truck window.

4, 5 and 6) Don't ride the brakes....



Did I say, don't ride the brakes.:buttkick::buttkick::buttkick:

Edited by TDunc


This is where it got a little crazy. While driving through the quiet little town of Black Mtn, I realized there was a truck beside me. The driver was kinda looking at me funny. It appears that after AK and I had delivered a certain someone back to his area a few days ago, this guys wife felt it prudent to let him out of the cage again. :stickpoke:



I can't believe they let people like that drive trucks. :duck:


to live that close to the parkway...........Ahhhhh!!!


I could ride 8 hours in any direction from home right now and not escape 100+ deg heat.


Love the tunnel pic


Nice bike Okiestar. Seems we have the same taste in nice looking bikes.


Yes, whims being fulfilled that quickly makes it nice. From my house, I can be on the parkway in Blowing Rock in less that 2 hours. But hey, Warrior lives a few minutes from the parkway.. PITS.


Thanks for sharing your interesting story. I am also lucky that I am about an hour from the BRP and yes, it has been my heat escape many times.

I just checked the thermometer out on my carport and it says 80 degrees. I need to run some erands, so I think I will take the bike rather than the cage and the A/C.



It's 80 degrees here when I leave the house at 4:40 AM every morning to go to work. No relief in site either.


for those of you old enough... name who did this song.... "It feels like a heatwave"



Current weather. 12:52 eastern time.


Weather Station

Charlotte (KCLT)


748 ft


Station Select






92 °F

Feels Like 104 °F


POOL ANYONE?:stirthepot:


Interesting that you had brake problems on Hwy 80. Two years ago on that highway I lost my back brake, too. My problem was the pads desinigrated on one side and left metal to metal. Got back down off the mountain very carefully and went home to replace the pads. Tuesday I rode with a couple buds up 181 and at one point wished I brought a jacket. Coming down 32,1 when we hit Lenoir, the heat was terrible.




Too hot in the garage to lift the bike today. But, I AM gonna check pads and probably replace the fluid first chance I get. I need a way to let you know when we have these urges to see if you want to join us.

  Motorcycle Mike said:
Martha & the Vandellas. :backinmyday:



You win the right to buy us the first round of ice cream the first time we meet.:thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2:

Good job OLD MAN!:dancefool:

Posted (edited)

96F now with a heat index of 108F, but it's not snowing so I'm happy. Bring on the heat because in a few months will be up to our butt in :snow2: .

Time to take a ride and go see 100 years of Chevy's. Vintage Chevrolet Club of America are having their national meet here in Flint this week celebrating 100 years of Chevrolet. People and cars from all over the world are here. They are lining up downtown starting at one end with 1912 and ending with 2012 at the other.

Edited by KarlS
added content

glad to hear you didn't have to shoot it out with that crazy truck driver,wow!!! i've found going up hwy 80 is alot better than going down it. might go up to little swit today to cool down some.glad you and aka had a good ride,good seeing ya'll again.and yes motorcycle mike i can't belive it either.


Since highway 80 (The Rooster Tail)is 2 miles from my house I get to ride it anytime I desire. Can't figure out how I didn't pass you as I rode up 80.I was there 6 AM and didn't see any bikes.Lake Lure is 20 miles from my house and I can see the BRP from my house on a clear day.Bummer living that close to my favorite riding places.Next time give a shout out I always need a nice early morning ride.PS I can also do day or evening rides.When I like to clear my head I ride up 80,BRP and down 226 then up 226A (The Diamondback)then BRP to 221 south to Marion then around Lake James and then to Lake Lure and back across Stone Mountain back to Marion.170 miles round trip.

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