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Posted (edited)

Hi guys, I purchased two MOSFET R/R's a while back in the group buy along w/the weather proof connectors. Put one R/R on my '83 Vison. It's great. Now I am putting the other on my 87 Royale. Well, I buggered up one of the metal terminals that are to be used w/OEM weather proof connector. Seems after 30 years in electronics I still make mistakes. I like the weather proof connectors. I checked Eastern Beaver electrics for the parts. I only need a $.59 metal terminal. But, they have a $20 minimum order. Again, I want to use the weather proof connector assembly. So, does anyone have spare metal ternimals for this connector type or knows where to get them w/o a $20 min. order? Thanks in advance...Jason

Edited by jasonm.

If all else fails check with McMaster-Carr.




Seems like they can come up with about anything that I have looked for.


I came close to needing a couple of replacements when I installed my Shindengen R/R but was able to correct my screw up without damage. Lucky Day! That don't happen to often. LOL!


If ya hit on a match let us know. Be nice to have a few spares in the connection box.




Bill, this MOSFET R/R applies to all bikes that it did not come stock. Maybe the latest Venture might use this from the factory. But this MOSFET R/R has only been around for about 3 years or so. The newer Vmax and R1 use it. I checked both sites you guys gave. neither show this item. Which I believe is a japanese design. Still searching...




Do you have any idea how they regulate the voltage with the Mosfet regulator. The stock regulator uses scr's to shunt the excess stator power to ground. The trouble I have is that the scr's firing is a bit noisy (electrically) and you can hear them fire in the headsets, especially if I have the intercom volume turned up. I was wondering if the mosfet might be a bit quieter? It's usually not too bad, but it's something that bothers me.



I've tried filtering the noise but couldn't do any good. I believe the rear intercom cable is picking up the noise as it runs along the bike's wiring under the seat.


Frank D.


what you are hearing in your intercom. I believe is the IGNITION. aka- spark pluigs to some degree. Yes, I hear a whurr on my bike. Maybe it is the old R/R. I have not taken mine for a ride yet w/the new MOSFET installed. I will let you know. Also years ago J&M made a filter. That was just 2 capacitors to bleed off this hum/whurr. I have that filter. Did it help. Yes, but not much....as I have hearing like a dog. As for the terminal connectors I need. AS I may move the present location I am mounting it. I finally ordered from Eastern Beaver. Their shipping is reasonable and I got a whole new connector kit and spare terminals.

Posted (edited)

took a test ride w/mosfet installed. Yes, voltage is higher after start up and all RPMs. Just above idle (1300rpm) it's 14v. And @2500rpm or so it's 14.3v. I have a sealed battery which helps too and a few accessory lights always on. I did NOT wire directly to the battery. I removed the R/R connector from the harness and wired directly into the two reds and 2 blacks because my ohm meter says these are directly to the battery, measured zero ohms. Solder and heat shrink of course. The signals flash faster and lights are slightly brighter. Odd thing is, once I did many miles, the low speed voltage , under 2000rpm had dropped slightly to about 13.6v. But the 14.3 always came back when cruising along. Maybe this is a "smart regulator" and reduces the voltage when the battery is "up to charge". Like a battery tender does...? Does anyone know or have noticed similar results?

Edited by jasonm.




I know that the noise in my headsets is indeed from the regulator. At idle it's perfectly quiet. Just above idle when the thyristors begin firing, I hear interference. If I turn on the driving lights and they draw the voltage down, the noise is gone until much higher RPM. Heck, if I switch on a turn signal, the noise is there when the lamps are out and gone when they're on. When I turn off the intercom (turn the intercom level control all the way down), the noise disappears. I know it's getting in through the microphone input because I powered the audio system from an external power supply and the noise was still present. When you get a chance, take a passenger for a ride and use the intercom and decide if it's a bit quieter with the new regulator.




Frank D.


one problem...I do not have resistor spark plugs in my bike. Seems that is a major noise source in the intercom if you do not use them. I do not care now, because I rarely ride with a passenger. Some day soon I will start using Iridium plugs.

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