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Cleaning my Honda ST was a breeze... like cleaning a car with all that tupperware.


I LOVE my Venture, especially when it is gleaming clean, but what a PAIN to get it there. I am sure there are many tips that members might share.



:feedback: What's the best way to:

  • Clean (and wax?) the paint? (I used boat wax on the ST)
  • Keep the chrome gleaming?
  • Clean in the nooks and crannies?
  • Keep the stock seats clean?
  • Maintain black plastic (bib, radio, etc)?
  • Clean the back wheel?
  • Clean the windshield (I use Pledge)

Any suggestions about tools, rags, chamois, microfiber, tooth-brushes, bottle brushes, waterless solutions?


What about wiping the bike down without water? (I am concerned that the grime will scratch the paint, chrome, etc.


My partner, Dianne has a good way of keeping her V-Star clean. :thumbsup2:

She gets me to do it! :crying:


I'm not really a clean fanatic, more like a ride fanatic but one thing I have always hated is to actually clean the bike and go for a ride and get back with a layer of dust. I finally decided that it must be static causing it to accumalate so the last time I cleaned it I wiped it with static guard. It seems to be working. One other thing, the black is beautiful but I will never have another black vehicle unless it is to cheap to pass up.


Twigg. i think he means running through a rain storm. i think i heard that somewhere. Someo one also spoke of a bucket and sponge. I strapped the bucket with sponge and rode though a shower but it didnt do anything special.

i guess I didint do i t right.

ill keep doing it for a while and maybe something will happen.:confused24:


Don't anyone tell Skid about this. Yesterday morning I uncovered "Brown Sugar" and was polishing on her a bit while waiting on concrete truck. Started her up to listen to the music a little. Make long story short Concrete truck and rain showed up about the same time. Didn't cover bike back up and wheelbarrows were being loaded fron concrete cute about 10 ft away with good wind blowing. Saw it while it was still good and wet and hosed it off and thought it was good to go. Got up this morning and it is covered with gray spots. I may have to clean her a little. Think the wind will blow it off???


See what polishing will get you!!!:whistling:

One other thing, the black is beautiful but I will never have another black vehicle unless it is to cheap to pass up.


DITTO that!! I spend about 15 min. minimum before every ride cleaning dust off my scoot from just sitting in the garage where nothing else is going on. I polish it often and in the winter I do a real good waxing on it. Where those little scratches and smudges come from I have no idea but they just show up out of nowhere. If we've been on a long ride where we've encountered crappy weather, I wash the bike with soapy water (car wash soap) and water and then shamois it all off. I regularly clean the windshield and front area of the bike of the bugs, etc with Pledge.


It's a real PITA keeping a BLACK bike looking good... but it's worth it coz when they look good, they really LOOK GOOD! (and they're also the fastest :witch_brew:)


My next bike will probably be SILVER coz it never seems to look dirty LOL


If you get caught in and have to ride in the rain, as you know, everything gets dirty, grimy, filthy. I wash it all down using a bucket of car soap and water, and one of those soft mitts and a soft brush. Engine, wheels, everything. Rinse it off thoroughly, then I use the leaf blower to remove as much of the rinse water as I can.


Then soft, clean, dry towel(s), followed by PROTECT ALL cleaner/wax. Protect All will remove bugs, clean and polish everything including the windscreen, chrome, seats, painted areas, it's great for removing dust and/or water spots for a quick clean-up. I have used it for at least 15 years, especially for a quick dust-off/polish job. I used to clean/polish our motor home, our enclosed trailer after returning from southern California desert trips and have detailed my motorcycles, including wheels and tire sidewalls.


You will be amazed at the results. If you use too much, it leaves a residue that has to be wiped away or it leaves a hazy appearance, so less is better. I get mine at Walmart in the RV aisle. Not all of their stores carry it. As I recall, PROTECTALL's web-site has a "where to buy it" button. Some motorcycle dealers carry it, as well as RV stores.




Well, you asked. This is what I do.


I just drive faster so that the dirt can't catch me........


I give it a good wash/wax in the spring using a mild soap and water followed by a a coat of NuFinish wax, after that it just gets blow cleaned till next spring.


I use Plexus on the painty and chrome stuff as well. It's anti static and is supposed to fill in tiny scratches. Good double waxing in the winter.


I bought it to ride it not clean it!


Having said that. I always clean my bike really good and wax it in the spring. I bought the turtle wax ice kit. So I have the cleaner, wax and detailer. I also use Never Dull for the chrome. Its the best stuff on earth for chrome...also for brass, just ask a vet.

The rest of the year I just do one of 3 things depending on how dirty it is.

1. I use a swifter duster to wipe the dust off.

2. I use the turtle wax ice detailer to clean up any dirty areas.

3. I use the Honda brand spray cleaner and polish to clean the windshield and remove the bugs. This stuff is the best stuff I have seen at removing bugs and it puts a nice barrier on the shield to let the rain run right off!


Good luck and Happy cleaning!:080402gudl_prv:


For you guys that like the Turtle Wax Ice I found it at Big Lots if you have one for 5 bucks a can. Little hard to remove but does great. Is it normal for it to be hard to remove?

For you guys that like the Turtle Wax Ice I found it at Big Lots if you have one for 5 bucks a can. Little hard to remove but does great. Is it normal for it to be hard to remove?



I haven't found it hard to remove at all....just wipe on and wipe off....maybe its cheap at biglots cause its way to old? :think:


Clean it? Next you will want to polish it. I live at the end of a long gravel driveway. I wash it and ten minutes later it is covered in dust, by the time I get to the end of the drive it is dirty.


I like to ride...but, I like to ride a clean bike. So, about once a month I get out my spray bottle of distilled water (costs about a buck at Wally World). Distilled water has no impurities and won't spot. I start at the top and work my way down to the bottom using microfiber cleaning cloths. It takes about an hour. The worst part is always the tires & wheels 'cuz I get down there face to face with 'em and clean out all the little nooks and crannies.


In between washes, I just dust if off with a feather duster! :Venture:


I use Bike Brite. This stuff is great. Not white glove great but close. Spray it on everywhere(windshield, seat, chrome, paint, rubber), high pressure hose (garden hose) it off, wipe it down with a lint free cloth and finish it off with some Lemon Pledge. I use the Dollar Store brand of pledge. Check out there web site http://www.bikebrite.com/


I would rather ride than clean. Enjoy!


My recommendation is to use Griot's Speed Shine. It does what it says it does. What a shine I was extremely happy. I think you will be also. Spray it on wipe it off.

I haven't found it hard to remove at all....just wipe on and wipe off....maybe its cheap at biglots cause its way to old? :think:



Thats what I thought but still a Great wax. Not that hard to remove just takes a little more wiping than most but well worth it. It gives a great shine and seems to really bring out the color.


In the spring, I'll put the bike up on the Carbon One stand and give it a good going over using S100 (honda line spray polish) or Plexus afterwards. Putting it on the stand makes getting at the wheels and tires easier, plus this old man doesn't have to bend over quite so far.:fatsmiley:


I don't actually was my bike very often, I just clean it with either Bassboat Saver (enzyme cleaner / wax combination) or Pink Wax. Both take bugs off really good and leave a great shine, but Pink Wax is actually a better wax. A bottle will last me over a year. I use both on all the paint and the windshield. If it does get really dirty (like riding in a rainstorm) I'll spray it down really good with S100 and then go over the paint with either of those. Here are the links for both products, I highly recommend them.




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