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i just want to say thank you thank you thank you.

as you all know i was faceing some real hard times. and im doing some what better. with the great support from to many to name here im doing a little better. its nice to know my lights and internet wont be shut off for at least 3 months with all of your help i paid in advance and my fridge is stocked with food maybe not steaks or even pork chops but its still food. cupboards have soups vegies and basic things.

i did spend a few dollars for new socks and a pair of sneakers a man can wear boots just way to much sometimes they get heavy . i may not be out ridding but there is a smile on my face as i know i have a ton of of angels here watching over me.

so once again my thanks and prayers go out to each and every one of you



aka oldgoat


In this big dysfunctional wacky family you know we won't let any of ours do without. When ya need us we'll be there for you, just ask. Glad to hear things are looking ok for now, hopefully that's a sign of good things to come. If ya give us your address and size I'm sure you could find yourself with more socks then anyone could wear, we might even throw in some underwear. (not like the ones Big Tom wears either :Laugh:)

We're happy knowing you're doing good. I know I couldn't sleep at night if I knew a family member was in need. Pretty sure I can say the same for most of our folks on here.



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