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Did ya pay for everything up front again.....:stirthepot: :whistling: :rasberry:


I'll believe it when I see the pics........:stirthepot:

Does school have a class to learn ya how to work a camera?:duck:


You guys fell for this ? You know he just started back on his meds. It takes awhile for them to stop the hallucinations.... By tomorrow, Friday the latest we will be back to ... i've gotta lay some concrete... :rotf::rotfl::rotf::sun:


1st day. No Contractor!!! But not a big thing it is pouring down the rain. I really expect this guy to get it done pretty quickly. I will work on camera.

1st day. No Contractor!!! But not a big thing it is pouring down the rain. I really expect this guy to get it done pretty quickly. I will work on camera.



See I told ya.... on the meds and reality is back..... :rotf::rotfl::rotf::rotfl:


The next thing he'll post is the dog ate the camera.....

:clap2::clap2: Showed up at 11:00. Footers are DONE!! Start block in the morning!!:clap2:


5 hrs and he had footers square and added the 10 ft I wanted.


Have faith in the local talent, there is always tomorrow. :stickpoke::stickpoke::stirthepot:

I can't believe that this thread is still alive. Yamer Dan must be ninety now...:backinmyday:






I've already had my 29th birthday!!! I remember it well!!!!



Walls going up tomorrow!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Raining this morning. Now I just got to get Mother Nature to help out!!:think:


You aren't meant to have a garage. Face it... contractors that don't show up or do the work wrong... now nature is against you.


I am the proud owner of 1200 cinder block all kinds of accessories and one big mess in my yard. Warden claims "you gonna have a time mowing grass there!!" woman got no faith at all!!!:think:

I am the proud owner of 1200 cinder block all kinds of accessories and one big mess in my yard. Warden claims "you gonna have a time mowing grass there!!" woman got no faith at all!!!:think:
I guess you better buy some more first gens. You have plenty of blocks to put em up on now.:Bunny:
Filling blocks for insulation?? What do you use??


When mine was built about 20 years ago, they used a coarse granular insulation material. Came in bags like concrete mix, just poured it down into the blocks as they built it.

Should add that I'm not all that impressed by its insulating properties.




Painting the block. I would like to do this before roof doors and windows. Will Gravity spray gun handle Latex Duo paint?? What would you thin latex with or would you? And is primer for this also latex? I guess it is since it is a Duo paint? Can I spray with this gun or do I need to get a airless?? I know a lot about paint....it comes in different colors!!!


You would have to thin latex with water. Be a pain in the uknow in a gravity gun. Airless would be the way to go to get a good seal on that porous block and fast to just follow it up with a fluffy roller to smooth out any streaks you might get. You can rent them at paint stores or rental outlets 1 day will be more than enough time to do they job.


I doubt the gravity gun would handle it without making thin as water and multiple coats.

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