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We went for a ride earlier today to meet our son and family for lunch. Decided to take the trike...mistake?

About 30 minutes into the ride, I feel something hit my shoulder...a rock? a bug? Whatever it was, it really hurt...I reached up to rub my shoulder and THWACK! hit again! on my finger...then another finger started stinging..OMG!! STINGING!!!


I am now screaming bloody murder, twisting in the seat, begging Don to pull over, tearing at my shirt to get the bee out...all I can say is...KODAK MOMENT MISSED!!!

finally got pulled over (according to Don, you can't just pull over anywhere) and surveyed the damage. Good thing I am not allergic to the dang things but boy did it hurt! Had some swelling but was basically ok. Made it to lunch and then home.

What a wonderful Father's Day Don is having...LOLOL


I feel for you--wore a pair of shorts maybe 5 times on the bike, one time a bee went up the leg and started stinging me very close to parts I can't mention. LOL :yikes: Don't wear shorts anymore when riding the bike.


tearing at my shirt to get the bee out...all I can say is...KODAK MOMENT MISSED!!!


Probably would have made a Bee Movie, eh?



  Mel said:
tearing at my shirt to get the bee out...all I can say is...KODAK MOMENT MISSED!!!


Probably would have made a Bee Movie, eh?




There will be some kind of Buzz about this later, when more see it.



Wait until you get one inside your helmet, buzzing around in/by your ear. Or stung in the eyelid (happened to my uncle once, and he's severely allergic to bee venom).

  B2MOM said:
We went for a ride earlier today to meet our son and family for lunch. Decided to take the trike...mistake?

About 30 minutes into the ride, I feel something hit my shoulder...a rock? a bug? Whatever it was, it really hurt...I reached up to rub my shoulder and THWACK! hit again! on my finger...then another finger started stinging..OMG!! STINGING!!!


I am now screaming bloody murder, twisting in the seat, begging Don to pull over, tearing at my shirt to get the bee out...all I can say is...KODAK MOMENT MISSED!!!

finally got pulled over (according to Don, you can't just pull over anywhere) and surveyed the damage. Good thing I am not allergic to the dang things but boy did it hurt! Had some swelling but was basically ok. Made it to lunch and then home.

What a wonderful Father's Day Don is having...LOLOL


You didn't get the Hive's from them did you...............:whistling:



I can't believe I just said that:shock3:

  Keemez said:
Wait until you get one inside your helmet, buzzing around in/by your ear. .


BEEn there... done that!! Freaks ya out for sure ... and then, after almost dumping the bike in haste to get stopped and helmet off, to find it's only a HOUSEFLY!!!




But I have been stung while riding ... not fun at all.


And then there was that June Bug that got me on the nose at 60 mph ... talk about hurt... and blood... my sniffer hasn't been the same since!


bee's and bikes aren't meant to be in the same sentence. There's no way they go together.


I'll not make any funnies over this 'cause there are none !



But I REALLY would like to have been there to see you beating the crap outta Don 'cause he wouldn't pull over immediately :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


btw - I'm guessing you killed the bee and Don is OK ?? :smile5:


I was riding I 10 somewhere around ft stockton Texas on a goldwing a few years ago, stood up on pegs to stretch legs. Just as I sat down I passed under an overpass and heard what sounded like hail hitting my.helmet and bike. Puzzled I looked down at my legs and I was coated with dead and dieing big honey bees. Must of been swarming under the overpass.


Glad I had a jacket, gloves and helmet one. Really glad I sat down when I did.



Marshall, il


When I was in High School I was riding home one evening in the summer on my trail bike and decided to pass the time by singing. I had my mouth wide open and caught a honeybee in my mouth. Little bugger stung me on the tongue and that was the last time I ever sang out loud on a bike. Hurt like he##!!:crying:


Oh yesss, bin there. Got to work one day and went up to the cafeteria for a cuppa. was wearing jacket and chaps. Suddenly the pain hit, and you know it was in the part not covered by the chaps. Jacket flew off, chaps undone, pants same, beating myself in unmentionable areas, by now the girls are cheering and clapping.


Nasty experience with the bee. Not something I'd want to go through as I'm allergic to the danged things.


It was back 30 some years ago that a bunch of us that rode decided to make a night of it at a friends cabin on the river up by Fremont, NE. Most of us arrived about dark and were pouring down the beers when the last rider (Ed) and his GF showed up. We were sitting around the fire BSing and Ed started to complain he was hot. Well, back away from the fire ya know. Have another beer! Pretty soon he started saying his head hurt. Somebody threw a flashlight on him and YIKES!!! He looked like the Pillisbury Doughboy! His head was swollen up like a basketball and his neck was the same size.


We had one car there so we loaded him up and headed for the hospital. They shot him into emergency and had him in there for a long time. The doc came out and told us he had been stung on the throat by a wasp and they had him under observation at that time. Another 15 to 30 minutes and his windpipe would have swollen closed. He had a close one for sure. His girl said he had slapped at something on his neck on the way up and never said a word about it.


So gladly you are not allergic. But rolling at speed and having to do the "Flight of the Bumblebee" had to be exciting enough for the both of you. Glad it all turned out well.




Ask George and Bobbie what I looked like when a yellow jacket got inside my full face helmet..........another Kodak moment missed, and it did sting the heck out of me........I saw it happen to a friend of mine once and it sure is funny looking back and seeing a grown man slapping his helmet with one hand while trying to control a M/C while doing 65 mph...........bobbing and weaving down the road.


for BEEING so supportive! LOL.


Appreciate all the stories and the laughs you have given me tonite.


I will just say that Don is ok, no damage there. Trike is also ok..since he took great care to "pull over" at a very NICE spot...


Hope this never happens again because I am sure I will freak again. Hummingbird is right...bees and bikes just do NOT mix.




A friend of mine also learned of the dangers of baggy shorts while riding.

He had a wasp went up his pant leg.

Now while a bee can only do one full sting due to the curve and barb on the stinger, a wasp has a smooth straight stinger and can do many consecutive stings.

My friend had 17 stings on ALL of the parts that can not be mentioned here.

When I stopped over to visit he was in the easy chair with a leg over each armrest and ALL of his badly swollen parts soaking in a bowl of ice water.


I just about died rolling on the floor as he told me the story and of how he was pounding on the wasp trying to kill it. :rotf: :crackup:

This was 30 years ago and we (at least I do) still laugh about it, and he still crosses his legs and winces while we talk about it.


Had an "almost" once. Stopped at a light and glanced down. A wasp was just struggling to get to its feet. I guess it had hit my chest and been stunned. I don't know what the people in the car in the next lane thought when this biker suddenly went mad and started beating his crotch.


Riding around Lake Superior we had just re-entered the US into Minnesota. Was wearing a half helmet with Oakley sunglasses. A bee wedged behind my ear, trapped between the helmet, the sunglasses arm, and my ear. It nailed me. Freaked out my wife as I was slapping my ear and emergency braking to get off the road. Glad there wasn't much traffic. It really hurt for a couple of days.


Fullface helmet all the time now. Just have to remember to keep the face shield down.




Sure sorry you got stung Patti! That could have been worse for sure.

I never have been stung by a bee on the bike. Our daughter got one in her shirt while riding once, she did not get stung though. We have even rode in Cicada & Locust seasons and never got hit.

However, the other day we were riding and I felt the wet on my forearm. Yeh a bird crapped on me. Luckily I had a baby wipe in our bag on Ron's back rest I could get too.

Yama Mamaattachment.php?attachmentid=57719&stc=1&d=1308589005

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