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Jonas and Greta´s whereabouts


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We are still with Tom and Taters and heading for the Niagara Falls today. Plan to ride towards Oberlin tomorrow to visit with Don but depending a little on the weather. Then slowly towards Reading PA to Craig and Kim to leave the bike and meet up with them again.

Had a great time and we will surely do this again in the coming years.

Jonas and Greta

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Greetings all.


We have been staying with Big Tom and Vicky for four days now and having a great time. We are heading tomorrow "Friday" to Oberlin to meet up with Don. Will be there for a night and head for Eastern PA on Saturday. Will update as the timne goes.


Jonas and Greta.

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Jonas and Greta made it safely back to Reading last nite, a little R&R today, maybee some shopping and sightseeing, then off to the airport tomorrow. Sounds like they had an awesome adventure and met and made some great friends. Craig

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Well sad to say Jonas and Greta are in the air and on there way back to Iceland. It was really a great experience hosting and helping them with their trip, I know we started a lifelong friendship and look forward to seeing them again, hopefully soon. Thanks for some great memories. Craig

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