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Is there ever any Maintenance Days in the Southern California Area? While I have been riding for many years, I am new to the RSV and am looking to learn. Also where can I find a book style manual for my 06 RSV? I have only been able to find a CD version and the books stop at 04.

Any assistance with all of these questions would be greatly appreciated.



If no one is hosting a MD in your area, host one yourself, people will show up!! The bikes are the same from `99 to `11 but Cyclmore has a good manuel.


Best of luck and welcome to the Family!!




Thanks Kreg. Is there a "to do list" for hosting a maintenance day or is it however I want to put it together? My concern would be everyone would show up expecting me to be the expert, then I would be in trouble! :)



First Identify the type of work that can be done at your location ie( Can you change tires? Change oil? Carb sync`s, change plugs? change clutch and brake fluids... Let it be known what you may need help with as well as what others may need if you know that. people will normally ask if for instance, is there going to be a carb sync tool on site?? ect. The whole Idea is to get people together to help each other learn to work on these beasts, no one expects you to know everything about them..


It will all come together pretty much on its own..


Good luck and have fun!!



Thanks Kreg. Is there a "to do list" for hosting a maintenance day or is it however I want to put it together? My concern would be everyone would show up expecting me to be the expert, then I would be in trouble! :)



As much as it pains me to say this...Kreg is right

:doh: If all you can handle doing is changing plugs and carb syncs then thats what it will be. It really turns into a huge BS session anyhow :hihi: If your not apprehensive about splitting the front fairing you could hook up Y splitters and run an aux line for using an MP3 player. Give plenty of time for folks to plan for it and others with additional experience will more than likely show up.


Man, I just love to see you in that kind of PAIN !! :stickpoke::rasberry:



As much as it pains me to say this...Kreg is right

:doh: If all you can handle doing is changing plugs and carb syncs then thats what it will be. It really turns into a huge BS session anyhow :hihi: If your not apprehensive about splitting the front fairing you could hook up Y splitters and run an aux line for using an MP3 player. Give plenty of time for folks to plan for it and others with additional experience will more than likely show up.


Thanks for all of the insight. I will have to see what I can do about that as it sounds like a good time.

As for the manual info, I couldn't find anything for a cyclmore manual and cyclemore didn't produce any joy either. DO you have a website by chance. The best I have found is a 97-03 manual online for $25 That's not bad and if all are saying nothing has changed from 03 to 06 then I will be golden, but if there is a better one, more current one out there I would prefer that. Thanks again for any additional info.



Hey MongoE9, I'd be interested in attending something like that, but I have to admit I'm not much good mechanically except the very basic stuff. Just getting together could be a good thing tho. Let me know what you come up with.

Thanks for all of the insight. I will have to see what I can do about that as it sounds like a good time.

As for the manual info, I couldn't find anything for a cyclmore manual and cyclemore didn't produce any joy either. DO you have a website by chance. The best I have found is a 97-03 manual online for $25 That's not bad and if all are saying nothing has changed from 03 to 06 then I will be golden, but if there is a better one, more current one out there I would prefer that. Thanks again for any additional info.



They may have meant "Clymer's manual". It has a Two tone Green 99 Venture on the cover, and will cover your bike. Nothing has changed on the bikes, the manual will be good.


As far as an MD, We just hosted one here last weekend. Granted, I have some wrenchin' experience, as did many others that were here. But we did mostly basic stuff, never split a fairing, pulled one back wheel, a few carb syncs, and plenty of BS'n. I have been to a few other MDs though. Two others in WI, the big one in Ohio, small one in Bogalusa, and a med sized one in TX.


They can (and should) be fun. Don't tackle anything you're not sure about, or have an expert on speeddial (right Squidley, thanks).


But if you've got enough guys around, you should be able to figure out where to swing that big hammer.:scratchchin::stickpoke:


Good Luck, Scoter Bob


Yes I did see all of the service manuals on the forum and did download them, but if I had a nickel for every lap top I had ruined with dirty greasy fingers, I would be a millionair!:rotf:

I like to be able to thumb through pages, make notes etc. Printing one of these is problematic, but yes very useful. thanks...


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