oldgoat Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 well i have been working on the bike up in a storage place had it apart then put it back together almost the radiator and all are back on the bike except for the shroud. now i have been working on the bike up there on and off for maybe a week. well yesterday the new worker up there called the owner and said that i been working on my motorcycle. for hours on end? well to make a long story short the owners called me and said you can not work on stuff in storage place? hmm i said it says no where in my contract that i can not? they went on to say i could wreck there unit with oil gas ect ect? i there by went and showed them some pictures of a lawncare service repairing there items and there unit is full of lawn mowers that are being worked on and there is gas oil ect ect on the floor huge stains. she said well he mows the place they own? see where this is going? i said ok if someone rents a unit and say there car motorcyle ect ect is broke down they must call a tow truck to do a minor job? say the car has a few flat tires from sitting or a motorcycle we can not air them up as you would call that working on them? she said yes that is inproper use of a storage unit? but we will allow you to air them up but you can not install battery or replace a tire? well now im going WTF? so i now go in after 6pm when there not there as i need to get the tires up and put the shroud back on the radiator and fill it up even if a small hose might be leaking/ i can not take it apart again to fix it i did tighten it up but left before i could put antifreeze in it. so im going to sneak up there latter sunday and fill it and check for a leak if it leaks by that hose at least the motor cooling system will have antifreeze in it for next winter? then i will be looking for a new place for the bike as i can not ride it in the condition its in and my back is going out on me.. so thats how my week went ..
Condor Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 Why don't you ask them if a large drip pan under the bike would work?? They make some very large metal types for cars... I can understand their concern, and they have to draw the line somewhere. Can you emagine what the place would look like if one of these salvers started dismantling a bikes in one of the units and selling them on Ebay...
bongobobny Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 Yah!! Understand their concerns but it does seem like some BS...
JerryT Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 I think you should by a mower and offer to mow their lawn.
oldgoat Posted June 11, 2011 Author Posted June 11, 2011 well i went up today after 1:00 pm because there closed i punched im my code to get the gate opened went to the unit and filled up the radiator with prestone 50/50 premix i hope thats okay? fired up the bike let it sit and idle for around 15 minutes found the hose leak someone forgot to install that little hose that goes to the overflow tank:whistling: so after a quick look around to make sure im not being watched i went at it with a screwdriver did the grunt type of tight and sure enough no more leaks after another 15 minutes of warm up. looks like i got the leaks and cooling done. the PO installed a run it all the time fan switch that can be shut off i turned it off and the gauge went to half way still no leaks:cool10: but im thinking let that fan run all the time wont hurt the bike as wehn you shut it off witht he key the fan will go off. see if i sneak up there for just an hour or so they think im just cleaning and sorting the unit. now sunday i will go up and sneak the shroud back on i just need to know what size them srews are as i had to drill them out and of course threw the darn things away anyone know the size? of the treads? and shhhhhhhh dont turn me in:rotf:
Keemez Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 I think you should by a mower and offer to mow their lawn. Better yet, put a big ole knobby on the Venture when it's running good and "mow" the lawn that way.
oldgoat Posted June 11, 2011 Author Posted June 11, 2011 Better yet, put a big ole knobby on the Venture when it's running good and "mow" the lawn that way. :rotf: then they would say i made ruts in there nicely mowed yard that has more gravel in it then the drive way before the blacktop. its funny as most of the lawn equipment just sits inside the gate maybe i could just get a truck and move it someplace like righ infront of the main door with all the non running mowers and say hey you cant work on them here so i was nice enough to move them where the oil will leak by the office and not by the units like my motorcycle might do:rotf::rotf:
Yammer Dan Posted June 11, 2011 Posted June 11, 2011 Do they store any Hardleys there?? Could be reason they are complaining..
oldgoat Posted June 12, 2011 Author Posted June 12, 2011 funny ya should say that dan as a matter of fact they do have a few hardleys 6 of them right next to my unit is 2 of them they put a lock on it the owners as someone hasent paid in 4 months? looks like 2 units will be going up for auction?
Yammer Dan Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 funny ya should say that dan as a matter of fact they do have a few hardleys 6 of them right next to my unit is 2 of them they put a lock on it the owners as someone hasent paid in 4 months? looks like 2 units will be going up for auction? Might pick up a cheap Hardley.
saddlebum Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 I understand their concerns but if it is not clearly stated in the contract or anywhere else, then can't see where they can deter you. At the same time, out of courtesy you could but some sort of covering on the floor like a piece of 1/4 inch aspenite or particle board, less cold and hard on the body too. If you do have oil spots on the floor srub them good with varsol then throw a good thick layer of floor dri (or cheap clay type cat litter) on it and just leave it lie there for as long as you can and the concrete will come up almost white. Antifreeze usually cleans up better with soap and water then with any kind of solvent. last what would be the difference between working on your bike or simply parking an oil dripper.
slick97spirit Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 The concern is from an insurance stand point. OK OK I know what all of you are gonna say!! I insure a couple of these and THE COMPANY will not insure them if there is knowingly anything, i.e. chemicals, fuels, oils, etc stored there. Keep in mind I said knowingly.
saddlebum Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 The concern is from an insurance stand point. OK OK I know what all of you are gonna say!! I insure a couple of these and THE COMPANY will not insure them if there is knowingly anything, i.e. chemicals, fuels, oils, etc stored there. Keep in mind I said knowingly. Does this mean you are not even allowed to store a vehical unless you completely remove all fluids as when transporting it on a public carrier?
slick97spirit Posted June 13, 2011 Posted June 13, 2011 With most companies, storing a vehicle with fluids in the vehicle is acceptable. They don't want 5 gallon cans of gas or gallons of paint thinner in them though and will usually have the customer sign something saying so.
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