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Thanks, Tom...Again


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Once again I owe an expression of gratitude to Tom for not only ordering a part for my bike, but actually insisting on installing it for me...guess he has come to realize that I am somewhat of a klutz. This is not the first time he has done this. I don't know what constitutes an award for helping another biker...but Tom sure deserves one as he is always doing this for those of us on this site.. Thank you again, my Friend...hopefully someday I will have the opportunity to return the favor!



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Jim I always am here to help you or anyone else.Its a pass it on down the line thing as I learned alot from folks on here. Thank You though. We have found good people in Belinda and yourself and VERY proud to call both of you dear friends. Also I cant give BOTH of you an Award for the Service to our Country but If I could you both would definitely have one.Thank You BOTH! Tom

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