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Yesterday when returning from a short ride and ten minutes after parking the bike in the garage, I notice an awful smell of gasoline, I check and to my surprise I saw the oil window level and IT IS COMPLETELY FULL.

I have not touch the fuel cock for quite some time now, last time I did I broke the plastic handler so I just left it alone.

Do anyone know what can cause this problem?, I don’t want to move the bike until at least I replace the oil, which I think is mixed with gasoline.

All input will be so much appreciated



If you really have that much gasoline in your oil, the only way this could occur is for gasoline to be passing through a piston cylinder down into the oil. There are several different scenarios that can cause that problem. Worn/damages cylinder wall: damaged/stuck piston rings: hole in a piston: weak/no spark: carburator(s) flooding.


I'm going to replace the oil, and fire it up, I will report the outcome, I think the bike will run as usual, smooth, nice and easy.

Posted (edited)

Pull your sparkplugs before you fire it up and crank it over a few times first, allowing any fuel that may be trapped above the piston to get out. Then put the plugs back in and fire up.


If you dont,there is a chance you may hydrolock destroying the engine. I might be inclined to squirt a shot of oil down each hole as well in case the gas has washed your cylinder walls free of oil.



Edited by friesman
Pull your sparkplugs before you fire it up and crank it over a few times first, allowing any fuel that may be trapped above the piston to get out. Then put the plugs back in and fire up.


If you dont,there is a chance you may hydrolock destroying the engine.




Good point. Sometimes I forget that the obvious, may not be that obvious....



I just did what you suggested, took plugs out, and crank it. Nothing, no gas no smell. I'm going to buy new plugs and install 'em.

On second look at the oil level window, it is at the FULL LINE, not completely covered with as I thing I saw the first time when I detected the gas smell.



Thats a good sign that youre not full of gas. (I mean the bike....LOL)


Sorry to create work for you, but would have hated to have you bend a rod on startup if you were hydrolocked.




My 84 gold wing had a problem. I let her sit for 1 month and the fuel leaked into the crankcase. I realized when The bike hydrolocked and dindnt want to crank with the starter button.

i pulled the plugs checked the oil and saw that theoil wouldnt even coat the dipstick as usual.

I dumped 3 gallons of fluid from the cranckcase.

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