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Thank you to all who have served or are serving

Yeah, Just Dale

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I can't speak for others, but for me, I always feel almost embarrassed when someone thanks me for serving...It's a good feeling, don't get me wrong...but I've always felt that it was an honor and a privilege for my country to ALLOW me to serve.

Regardless, I (and I'm sure all current or previous service members) appreciate those that do remember us...Thank you all!


USAF 1993 - Current

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I can't speak for others, but for me, I always feel almost embarrassed when someone thanks me for serving...It's a good feeling, don't get me wrong...but I've always felt that it was an honor and a privilege for my country to ALLOW me to serve.


Regardless, I (and I'm sure all current or previous service members) appreciate those that do remember us...Thank you all!



USAF 1993 - Current


+1 You can speak for me. Ditto on your comments.

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Both My wife and I being Veterans both greatly appreciate the sentiment. We always feel humbled because we both returned safe and sound when many of our shipmates and friends did not. Please remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice not only this weekend but all year.

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Guest RBLR Dave

From a 26 year Royal Navy vet, who is also a member of the PGR and an honoury member of ALR Post 113, I'm proud to have you as allies. Brothers in Arms always

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