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My Big Brave Airdale


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--- looks to me like that faithful animal felt sorry for it's master and is merely trying organize that mess. You can tell by the facial expression that it is as proud as can be of it's accomplishment.:178:

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First of all, I think it obvious that your dog was going to look up the latest weather forecast and satelite, doplar information on your computer. At least that is what it appears to be on the photos.



Our little dog Cooper (a bichon) usually jumps up on our bed for safety in a storm, or simply sticks like glue to me. He also shakes violently until it is over.


I love terriers. I used to have Wire Hair Terriers when I was a kid.


Yama Mama

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Just do some simple sound desensitizing exercises like we do for hunting dogs.

My dog as a pup was terrified of loud noises. Now just barely bats an eye for fireworks or thunder.


But the dog on the desk is funny............ :rotf:

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You really need to teach that dog to stop leaving your computer work area so messy and some simple tricks on how to clear the screen properly and quickly when he's downloading naughty doggie stuff.... :stickpoke: :stickpoke: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :Laugh:

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You really need to teach that dog to stop leaving your computer work area so messy and some simple tricks on how to clear the screen properly and quickly when he's downloading naughty doggie stuff.... :stickpoke: :stickpoke: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :Laugh:



Acutally the desk looks cleaner (in the pics), than it was in 2007, when I was over at Ben's. :stickpoke:


This was, after flying to Ontario for a course & attending Marcarl's meet, while over there.

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We have a fierce-coward at our house as well, a whipett/german shepherd mix. If Lady is outside finding just the right spot to do her thing and a leaf blows across the grass, she runs to the house. But, if someone were to try to hurt Doreen, they would pull back a bloody stump. She does not like storms either. We got her from the humane society in August, 2004 and she has been a great addition to the family.



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My German wire hair was a fierce hunter and guard dog. As soon as you took a gun out of the cabinet she was ready to go. But she knew a storm was coming before you did and would just shake and be glued to you for the duration.


Richie R

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I've got a german shepherd the same way if there is a storm or gun shots he tends to go a little nuts.

The vet told me to try a thing called THUNDER SHIRT, It's like swaddling a baby. Make them feel more secure. Was about $35 bucks. Seems to have settled hojm down some.


Good luck mine has tore the trim off the back door trying to get away. We have not have any real rain since January, No real thunder storms either so have not had a good test yet.


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First of all, I think it obvious that your dog was going to look up the latest weather forecast and satelite, doplar information on your computer. At least that is what it appears to be on the photos.



Our little dog Cooper (a bichon) usually jumps up on our bed for safety in a storm, or simply sticks like glue to me. He also shakes violently until it is over.


I love terriers. I used to have Wire Hair Terriers when I was a kid.


Yama Mama

Our little guy Charlie who sat out and watched the fireworks with me is a Bichon also. He sure shamed my Airedale.


--- looks to me like that faithful animal felt sorry for it's master and is merely trying organize that mess. You can tell by the facial expression that it is as proud as can be of it's accomplishment.:178:
He even put it in three piles 1-stuff to keep 2- stuff to keep and 3- stuff to keep, now if that had been my wife ther would be no organized piles at all.........come to think of it, there just wouldn't be anything at all.:bang head:
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