saddlebum Posted August 17, 2011 #51 Posted August 17, 2011 (edited) Well put Don When you post a thread asking for prayers here, your asking everyone on the entire site for prayers. I disagree. I believe when someone asks for prayers they are simply asking of those who do believe in prayer and are willing to do so. I am more than sure that a good thought, or wishing one well, from those who are Athiest and/or do not believe in prayer, are just as welcome and appreciated. They certianly would be for me. I believe in mankind. I believe alot of our beliefs are from how we are raised or what the circumstances of our lives have instilled upon us. I believe that if you believe in God and feel you are a good Christian you respect and accept how others feel. I believe this holds true as well if you do not Believe in God, but feel you are a good Human Being you also accept and respect how others feel. Treat each other how you yourself want to be treated. Lastly I have always felt a joke is a joke. We joke about everything, tall people, short people, skinny people, fat people, politics, religion, nationality, skin color, hair color, short hair, long hair, no hair, good fortune, bad fortune, lifestyle, occupations, vehicales, animals, insects and the list goes on. There will always be someone who has to make a fuss. Personally I find the only real annoying thing in life are people who are always easily annoyed at something. As the saying goes If you can't laugh at yourself you have no right to laugh at others Edited August 17, 2011 by saddlebum
GolfVenture Posted August 17, 2011 #52 Posted August 17, 2011 Asking for Prayer is like Asking for VR Advise When I ask for advise on my 89 VR on this site I'm not asking every member for their 2 cents worth, I'm only asking advise from those who have advise that would be helpful.
Trader Posted August 17, 2011 #53 Posted August 17, 2011 Many here know I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and have been for almost 25 years. That means I take an active part in the door to door ministry. Trust me....when it comes to the pros and cons of discussing religion, I've probably heard it all. Very few we meet are willing to discuss the Bible, and MOST people disagree with our teachings. For example, we don't celebrate Christmas because we believe that the modern day Christmas celebration has very little to do with Jesus and is a compillation of traditions of pagan origins (i.e. the christmas tree, yule log, mistletoe etc) Now most of the western world DOES celebrate Christmas! Do I get upset if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas? NO! Because they are merely wishing me well. I look for the best in people, and expect the best intentions in whatever they say or do. To do anything else would be un-Christian! (sorry...couldn't resist!) .
saddlebum Posted August 17, 2011 #54 Posted August 17, 2011 Asking for Prayer is like Asking for VR Advise When I ask for advise on my 89 VR on this site I'm not asking every member for their 2 cents worth, I'm only asking advise from those who have advise that would be helpful. Yeh that to
Sailor Posted August 17, 2011 #56 Posted August 17, 2011 I am agnostic. As such I really don't care about anyone's religion, I consider it their business, not mine. If someone asks for prayers I will send my best wishes. As for politics I have my opinions and vote for what I think is the best party at the time but am prepared to change my opinion and vote at any time and I consider that my business.
SilvrT Posted August 17, 2011 #57 Posted August 17, 2011 When you post a thread asking for prayers here, your asking everyone on the entire site for prayers. I disagree. I also disagree and for the life of me I couldn't find who originally posted that statement. What I do feel folks are asking for is not just for Prayers (from those who believe) but for empathy and well wishes from anyone who cares to give it. To some degree, a Prayer (in this context) is really a "hope" or a "wish" or a expression of feeling that is extended to someone in need that they will "pass over" that need, be well again, get back to work again, overcome their loss or disparity, etc, etc.... To make the statement "I Pray you will be well soon." .... does that suggest or say that I am a Religious person? I wonder... I am finding this thread extremely interesting!
Hummingbird Posted August 17, 2011 #58 Posted August 17, 2011 I also disagree and for the life of me I couldn't find who originally posted that statement. What I do feel folks are asking for is not just for Prayers (from those who believe) but for empathy and well wishes from anyone who cares to give it. To some degree, a Prayer (in this context) is really a "hope" or a "wish" or a expression of feeling that is extended to someone in need that they will "pass over" that need, be well again, get back to work again, overcome their loss or disparity, etc, etc.... To make the statement "I Pray you will be well soon." .... does that suggest or say that I am a Religious person? I wonder... I am finding this thread extremely interesting! I find your look at it very interesting as well. It's really refreshing to know that someone can disagree yet in the same tone agree and not try to start an argument. :clap2:
Flyinfool Posted August 17, 2011 #59 Posted August 17, 2011 To the Moderators - you guys do a great job ! Despite the Politics/Religious rules this thread has been allowed to continue. Probably due to the fact that there has been no mud slinging or arguements. Members have been civil in expressing their views and this is one of the great things about the members on here. But I'll bet that ALL of the moderators are keeping a close eye on this one with one finger on the trigger so to speak..... Unfortunately not all threads stay this civil.
a1bummer Posted August 17, 2011 #60 Posted August 17, 2011 To the Moderators - you guys do a great job ! Despite the Politics/Religious rules this thread has been allowed to continue. Probably due to the fact that there has been no mud slinging or arguements. Members have been civil in expressing their views and this is one of the great things about the members on here. I totally agree. But on the other hand, I've read that there is a strict no religion and no politics rule here. Rules are meant to be followed, not bent. But for some reason prayers are readily accepted and even given a section in which to do so. It is in plain english right here
darthandy Posted August 17, 2011 #61 Posted August 17, 2011 Yes, this is a very interesting thread and I really hope it's allowed to stay in place. I'm not sure this is a 100% religious discussion. It seems more of a comment on how we look at ourselves and others. I happen to be an atheist (And will continue to be one, God willing!) but I have no problem with members coming to the watering hole and asking for or offering prayers. As was mentioned earlier, it seems more of a request for empathy towards someone and I'm happy to join in, in my own way. It's discussions like this that set us apart from those who refuse to look at others' point of view and I think it helps us all understand each other a little better...and that's a good thing! And thanks to the moderators for allowing it to continue. I think they are taking a good view of the proceedings and are looking at it as a "town hall meeting" rather than an attempt to push a religious view or belittle someone else's view. Andy
Freebird Posted August 17, 2011 Author #62 Posted August 17, 2011 I guess in this case it boils down to what you consider "discussion". If you go back and read the first post of this thread, I think I addressed this issue. Maybe I just need to change the work "discussion" in the link that you posted to "debate" and that would make it a bit more clear. If somebody here is posting messages trying to convince another member to join their faith, that would be prohibited. If people are debating whether or not there is or is not a God, that would be prohibited. If people were debating on the validity of one religion as opposed to another, that would be prohibited. That would be a true discussion or debate. When I see that somebody is hurt or in a bad way and somebody finishes their post with a simple, "we'll keep you in our prayers"...that is just expressing a word of kindness, hope, spiritual help. It is NOT a discussion. It is a comment that doesn't require a response or answer. Folks, if you are offended by such comments, I am truly sorry that you feel that way. I mean that sincerely. I wish that nothing would ever be said here that a single one of you would find offensive. I know from several years of running this site though and another before this one that regardless of as many rules and regulations we could possibly establish, somebody is going to get offended over something. I have received a ton of emails and private messages over this issue not only recently but over the past few years and I can say without any doubt that the VAST majority of our members have no problem with the way this is handled. There are probably less than half a dozen members here who have mentioned even being remotely offended by somebody offering a simple prayer. I am truly sorry that even a single person is unhappy with this but I can tell you that it is not likely to change. I hope that it is something that those few who don't like it can overlook and just concentrate on those things here that they DO enjoy. If you absolutely can't do that though, just send me a PM or an email and I'll refund your dues in full. I don't want you to feel that way but this site is supposed to be enjoyable and if you come here and find something that makes you angry all the time, why the heck would you pay to be made to feel that way? I don't know how to put it any more clearly. I wish I had the ability to please all the people all the time but I have no illusions that it will ever happen.
bryan52577 Posted August 17, 2011 #63 Posted August 17, 2011 I guess in this case it boils down to what you consider "discussion". If you go back and read the first post of this thread, I think I addressed this issue. Maybe I just need to change the work "discussion" in the link that you posted to "debate" and that would make it a bit more clear. If somebody here is posting messages trying to convince another member to join their faith, that would be prohibited. If people are debating whether or not there is or is not a God, that would be prohibited. If people were debating on the validity of one religion as opposed to another, that would be prohibited. That would be a true discussion or debate. When I see that somebody is hurt or in a bad way and somebody finishes their post with a simple, "we'll keep you in our prayers"...that is just expressing a word of kindness, hope, spiritual help. It is NOT a discussion. It is a comment that doesn't require a response or answer. Folks, if you are offended by such comments, I am truly sorry that you feel that way. I mean that sincerely. I wish that nothing would ever be said here that a single one of you would find offensive. I know from several years of running this site though and another before this one that regardless of as many rules and regulations we could possibly establish, somebody is going to get offended over something. I have received a ton of emails and private messages over this issue not only recently but over the past few years and I can say without any doubt that the VAST majority of our members have no problem with the way this is handled. There are probably less than half a dozen members here who have mentioned even being remotely offended by somebody offering a simple prayer. I am truly sorry that even a single person is unhappy with this but I can tell you that it is not likely to change. I hope that it is something that those few who don't like it can overlook and just concentrate on those things here that they DO enjoy. If you absolutely can't do that though, just send me a PM or an email and I'll refund your dues in full. I don't want you to feel that way but this site is supposed to be enjoyable and if you come here and find something that makes you angry all the time, why the heck would you pay to be made to feel that way? I don't know how to put it any more clearly. I wish I had the ability to please all the people all the time but I have no illusions that it will ever happen. Very good Boss!! Now if we can get down to some more serious stuff? Words that offend ME! ME would like everyone to stop using the words > "I" to personal, "AND" means you got more stuff, "THE" sounds to much like the, "HELLO" sometimes me just wants to say "hey", "HAPPY" me not always in a good mood, Now if we can all do this, it will make me very UNHAPPY! SO LETS HAVE FUN ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speed limit is 70mph and me likes to ride 55mph so this offends me also, but me gots to live with it!!! Bryan
myminpins Posted August 17, 2011 #64 Posted August 17, 2011 I hope that it is something that those few who don't like it can overlook and just concentrate on those things here that they DO enjoy. Absolutely!!! It definitely won't make me upset or not want to come here any more. I just like to add my two cents to discussions (whether people like it or not!! LOL) and voice my opinion. I'm a big proponent of agreeing to disagree. I think it's important, actually. I don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me but we can both agree, for example, that this is a wonderful site and such things definitely don't spoil it for me. Thank you for allowing us to voice our opinions and thank you for leaving this thread here. I think it's a great way to let everyone know how things work here.
SilvrT Posted August 17, 2011 #65 Posted August 17, 2011 ...and I think we've beat this one around the bush long enuf .... so let's start another thread on "WHAT" ... (coz WHY has already been thrashed)
myminpins Posted August 17, 2011 #66 Posted August 17, 2011 so let's start another thread on "WHAT" ... (coz WHY has already been thrashed)
bryan52577 Posted August 17, 2011 #67 Posted August 17, 2011 ...and I think we've beat this one around the bush long enuf .... so let's start another thread on "WHAT" ... (coz WHY has already been thrashed) Sorry that one offends me too, sounds to much like butt! :rotfl: :rotfl: JUST KIDDING!!!!!! Bryan
SilvrT Posted August 17, 2011 #68 Posted August 17, 2011 Sorry that one offends me too My sole purpose in life is to serve as a bad example and offend people.
CaptainJoe Posted August 17, 2011 #69 Posted August 17, 2011 You mean like "What do you like the most about religion?" or "What political party is gonna win in 2012?" Sorry Boss I just couldn't resist....
Trader Posted August 17, 2011 #70 Posted August 17, 2011 I take offence at what. I think every one should think like me and how! I am a unique individual...just like everybody else!
Freebird Posted August 17, 2011 Author #71 Posted August 17, 2011 Well, hmmmmmmmmmm, I've met you and just have to say... You are NOT like everybody else. Hope you don't find that offensive.
Woody Posted August 17, 2011 #72 Posted August 17, 2011 Different strokes for different folks, man I am glad everyone is not the same. Thanks Don have a great day
navydavy Posted August 18, 2011 #73 Posted August 18, 2011 Thank you Freebird. You stated that much better than I would have... although I was proud of myself for not saying (posting) something when I read the post last night.
fixit3546 Posted August 18, 2011 #74 Posted August 18, 2011 I would Imagine that there are some of every kind here. My $0.02 worth. Some years ago (I have been here a while)(you get my check yet Don?) I posted a Muslim Joke (I'm a Southern Baptist, we don't dance...) I thought it was funny. A Muslim member in Canada didn't (think it was funny) we got into a heated discussion and the thread was deleted!!! Long story short, we discussed it in private messages like two adults and in the end i think have a mutual respect for each other now. I harbor no ill-will toward him anyway. even though we don't agree theologically, I think we agree there is room here for both of us. I have enjoyed a lot of his posts. Most of us are not Atheist, Baptist, pentecostal...etc. But; some of us are. A lot of us are not republican, democrat, tea partier or independent, ... some don't vote at all and some don't even live in the Good 'Ol U.S Of A. some are Black, Yellow, White, Olive...Shoot, some are even red skinned. Some don't care if you love Obama or Sarah.........or Tony Blair for that matter. You don't have to pray for me; but i wish you would. I would Pray for you. It would be an honor. I can't save you, in my opinion, only Jesus can do that(John 14:6). That may not be your Opinion, I respect that. I wont "make" you take Him if you don't try to "make" me leave Him. The best I can do is ask you to forgive me if i offend you (i probably will if i open my mouth) and I promise to return in like kind............ In any event, I think that is the best any of us can do "forgive and forget" That has religious undertones but is not inherently religious...........I think all of us can do that without getting kicked out of whatever group we belong to. Again, post is..."much ado(sp) about nuthing.
Guest scarylarry Posted August 18, 2011 #75 Posted August 18, 2011 Most sensible post I have read in a while.... Great write up... How far are you from Houston Ms.? I would Imagine that there are some of every kind here. My $0.02 worth. Some years ago (I have been here a while)(you get my check yet Don?) I posted a Muslim Joke (I'm a Southern Baptist, we don't dance...) I thought it was funny. A Muslim member in Canada didn't (think it was funny) we got into a heated discussion and the thread was deleted!!! Long story short, we discussed it in private messages like two adults and in the end i think have a mutual respect for each other now. I harbor no ill-will toward him anyway. even though we don't agree theologically, I think we agree there is room here for both of us. I have enjoyed a lot of his posts. Most of us are not Atheist, Baptist, pentecostal...etc. But; some of us are. A lot of us are not republican, democrat, tea partier or independent, ... some don't vote at all and some don't even live in the Good 'Ol U.S Of A. some are Black, Yellow, White, Olive...Shoot, some are even red skinned. Some don't care if you love Obama or Sarah.........or Tony Blair for that matter. You don't have to pray for me; but i wish you would. I would Pray for you. It would be an honor. I can't save you, in my opinion, only Jesus can do that(John 14:6). That may not be your Opinion, I respect that. I wont "make" you take Him if you don't try to "make" me leave Him. The best I can do is ask you to forgive me if i offend you (i probably will if i open my mouth) and I promise to return in like kind............ In any event, I think that is the best any of us can do "forgive and forget" That has religious undertones but is not inherently religious...........I think all of us can do that without getting kicked out of whatever group we belong to. Again, post is..."much ado(sp) about nuthing.
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