Squidley Posted May 17, 2011 #26 Posted May 17, 2011 does this mean that i don't get to TEST the moderators, anymore??? Would it stop you if he said no
Aussie Annie Posted May 17, 2011 #27 Posted May 17, 2011 Isn't there somebody who's looking for a good speech writer,,, you could get a high paying job at a desk somewhere. Not only well said, but well thought out, and all the issues covered, without beating around the bush. Thanks Boss! YEP,YEP....and Yep:thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
CMIKE Posted May 17, 2011 #28 Posted May 17, 2011 One can't talk Politics and Religion at work. One can't talk Politics at Church. One can't talk Politics and Religion with relatives. One can't talk Politics and Religion with friends. One can't talk Politics and Religion at social functions. One can't talk Politics and Religion in public. First this is not aimed at anyone especially not Golf&Venture. This just caught my eye and really got me to thinking. I do not hope to make this thread get deleted. I agree we do not need to make this forum hostile to any group or individual. The rules say no religious or political threads...I am good with that due to they usually get heated anyway. I would not on purpose offend anyone here and no one else should be doing that either. If I have in the past...I deeply appoligize. I am not trying to start another heated debate... In my opinion...the words above are exactly right and they are the definition of Political Correctness. I think this is something we need to get away from...maybe not here but in our lives. We need to speak out against political correctness. Folks are taking advantage policital correct speach daily. For example many people scream racism when nothing about race or orgin was said or implied...just because you are not the same race as that individual and you do not agree you can be labeled as a racist. (not here but in public or in the media.) I do not believe we should walk around in public on pins and needles afraid we might offend someone or a group of people and keep our mouth shut. We need to call it like it is. Society now shunes us to ignore the facts and do not say anything since it may offend someone or some group. Like Sheep...go on our way and do not say nothing or get involved...be slaughted later. In the years past...folks had more morals... (I do not believe you have to be religious to have morals. Everyone should want to be a good person and basically we all know right from wrong)... In the old days, due to these morals you were worried what your family thought about you...cause most of the time they would call a spade a spade. For example If you got put in jail for robbery, you were chastized by the public and your family...and called a thief. It was embarassing to your family that you were a theif. Now due to the moral decay...nobody cares. You have children (inmature parents) raising children and they go wild doing anything they want when they want. (robbing -stealing - dealing) Nobody says nothing because it is not polically correct to do so. "Oh we better not say that to Ruthy Jane, she might get upset with us..." This is not helping matters at all. I am frank with my comments and probably will always be that way. I am not a cheer leader...but I will help anyone that needs help anyway I can. We are a very diverse group of individuals from all over the world... Diversity does not go just one way...to the minority groups as it does in most cases...it also goes to the majority groups. (it don't matter which group you are in) We can expect many differences in opinions...political and religious. We can expect to see some of that bleed into these post through our opinions, I suspect most of the time it will not be on purpose...brush it off and let it go, if it offends you. Do not read between the lines of these post. Text is a very hard to actually express emotion...you may be smiling when you type but some one reads it as an angry statement. Brush it off. I could care less what religion any of you are...or if you have any religion at all. I could care less what enthic group any of you are...I would not know unless you tell me. I do not want to label anyone as being a certian religion (or not) or certian group here. That just does not matter. I will try to remain polically correct on this site...political and religious or otherwise... But I will speak out in public...at church...at work...at social functions to stop this political correctness movement and let my voice of opposition be heard. I want to thank Don for all he and the moderators do for this site and I know it is not an easy job. You have my permission to DELETE this post as you see fit.
BuddyRich Posted May 17, 2011 #29 Posted May 17, 2011 I maybe wrong but what I have always thought "political correctness" is is partially party related and then the use of certain words or phrases. Personally I don't try to be politically correct since I'm not a politician.. I remember in HS going thru Language and Human Behavior. Three subjects that were taboo and two are mentioned by Don. Why are they taboo ? Its ones ideals and beliefs against anothers ideals and beliefs. So its like feelings against feelings in some cases. Another reason to avoid such discussions on a forum as this is you can't read tone very well. Talking face to face with someone people are generally much more cautious about what they will say or do than what they type on a keyboard. Anyway, What's important, this is a great bunch of people in general and that's why most of us hang out here day, after day, after day.
SilvrT Posted May 17, 2011 #30 Posted May 17, 2011 I maybe wrong but .... this is a great bunch of people in general and that's why most of us hang out here day, after day, after day. Yes, you are wrong...at least in my case. In my case, it's because ... I'm ADDICTED and have NOTHING BETTER TO DO :rotf:
BuddyRich Posted May 17, 2011 #31 Posted May 17, 2011 Now I know how it feels to be "taken outta context" :rotf:
ArcsSparks Posted May 17, 2011 #32 Posted May 17, 2011 (edited) In this country one group or another is "offended" by the word of another group. I for one have found no place in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independeance that you have a right NOT to be offended. This is a PC world gone mad. The thin-skinned nature of people is just another way to control the behavior of a group of people they don't agree with. ---shut-em up and I win----. I for one know the power of prayer I'm dealing with 2 types of cancer, a heart condition, prostate problems, I'm going to have to have my Gall bladder removed, knees are bad now having all that I'm still upright, I go to work daily and the treatments are worse than the disease and that's literally because I have 1000's of believers praying for me. So if your "OFFENDED" get over it, the world ain't fair!!!!! Now having said all that this forum isn't to discuss Politics or Religion (there are places for that) But if too thinned-skinned to read past a prayer request than you have real problems, your weren't born king of the world and other people have rights too!!!!! I am "offended" by murder and mayhem in the name of religion, the behavior of our so called leaders (at all levels) etc. but I'm not King of the world either down off the soap box and I'll stop Edited May 17, 2011 by Arcs&Sparks spelling
myminpins Posted August 17, 2011 #33 Posted August 17, 2011 The same should also go for the prayers. When you post a thread asking for prayers here, your asking everyone on the entire site for prayers. And while I do ever so deeply feel for those of you who are in a rut or have lost someone you care for, or whatever the case may be, I do not want to pray for you or anybody else My opinion is this: There is a joke section, they should be put there There is a prayer request section, them should be put there. There is a section for this and that and not all comments, request, or whatever belong here in the "watering hole"..... If the specific things were kept in their "appropriate" place then those who choose to offer prayers will go there and check for them, or those who enjoy a joke can go there. I do not read much in the First Gen section because I own a Second Gen. Really don't look at the prayer request section much because I don't pretend to be something I am not. If I see a prayer request in here (the "watering hole") I skip it and wonder why it is here and not where it belongs. It is simple. Folks know the majority of the traffic is here so it is a way to get a fast reply or ensure that more people see it. I think as a general rule when someone puts a post up they like to see replies to it. So a prayer request here will get more foot traffic then one in the prayer request section. If I put a post in the parts for sale section, but a mod sees that it is an entire bike it will more then likely be moved to its appropriate section. Same should be done with everything else. Just my $0.02 05-16-2011 11:20 AM I, too, have no problems with anyone's religion but am an atheist. As such, every time there is a mention of an accident, the prayers start. I understand that but it is a bit annoying because maybe we wish to discuss the whys and wherefores of the accident, discuss what could/should/might have been done differently so that we may learn from this accident, etc., etc., etc. Having the thread suddenly filled with prayer requests is upsetting to those of us who don't pray. Most who say, "I don't understand that, why does it upset you?" are religious so of course they don't understand. I do wish prayers were kept to their own section, though. Just my two cents.
etcswjoe Posted August 17, 2011 #34 Posted August 17, 2011 Mr. Freebird, I supoport you and the moderators fullly. I must be thick skinned or maybe a little desensitized, I can not speak for the others that have served but when you lose your best friend or the kid you sent into harm’s way does not come back and you have to tell his folks, a little heated discussion does not bother me. If you ask how I think I will tell you and I may tell you I do not agree with your beliefs but I will not discard you because of them.
CaptainJoe Posted August 17, 2011 #35 Posted August 17, 2011 Political and religious dicussions... There was a time, not so long ago, when people could sit down and have a civil dicussion regardless of the topic, afterwhich they would shake hands and head to the local resturant or bar and share a meal and drink. This is not only how we learn, but better ourselves as a people. A quote from the stature of liberty(yes I know this is an international forum but please bear with me), “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...". Any one know why? Because we had a lot in common with them. In the old country, the heirachy was already established and the people at the top were taxing and dooling out rules and regulations like candy. People resented this and they choose to come here... for a better way of life. We became a melting pot for people of all walks of life. With ideas from a kazillion different points of view, and, because we could sit down to discuss them, we could sucessfully choose the best possible path. Instead of one person with one point of view and blinders on to the rest of the world designing (place product here) or ruling(place dictator here) telling us what we liked or what to do. If I had to choose one word to describe why they were so sucessful back then, it would be a shared "tolerance", because they understood and in fact, had lived with the consequences of intolerance. Tolerance or toleration is the practice of permitting a thing of which one disapproves, such as social, ethnic, sexual, or religious practices. In order to be tolerant though, everyone participating would have to be civil(non-aggressive) and keep an open mind. In this day and age though I don't see that happening and it is to the detrement of us all. Perhaps tolerance should be taught in our schools instead of political correctness? You decide...
Guest Posted August 17, 2011 #36 Posted August 17, 2011 Vote for me and I'll set you free!!!!!:smile5:
Guest Posted August 17, 2011 #37 Posted August 17, 2011 Only if you make me rich too ! But money is the root of all evil.......
etcswjoe Posted August 17, 2011 #38 Posted August 17, 2011 Vote for me and I'll set you free!!!!!:smile5: You got my vote Ruffy 2012 the Venture Party.
gibvel Posted August 17, 2011 #39 Posted August 17, 2011 Another topic we don't discuss around here is... 20XX Venture...
Black Owl Posted August 17, 2011 #40 Posted August 17, 2011 But money is the root of all evil....... Or is evil the root of all money. Oh, I'm so confuzzed....:rotfl:
BoomerCPO Posted August 17, 2011 #41 Posted August 17, 2011 Sorry to be off topic but what is the best oil to use in my Venture? Boomer....who has enuff problems dealing with pygmies an such....
Aimhigh Posted August 17, 2011 #42 Posted August 17, 2011 Don is IMHO right on regarding this. This site is a very pleasant place to go to comment, ask, and provide...in a friendly manner, and I, for one, truly enjoy it sans attacks. Because of my purchase last November I often visit a different site...one that apparently does not monitor what is going on because I find you cannot originate a thread or make a comment without some jerk attacking you on what you said or how you said it. If that is your cup of tea, and you do not know where to go to engage in such activity, kindly PM me and I will provide you with two sites that will allow you to get your fill of animosity...in the meantime, please adhere to the (civil) rules of this site...I would like to continue enjoying it.
Zane Posted August 17, 2011 #43 Posted August 17, 2011 Anyone that is offended or put off by someones comments or opinions has the upper hand in the matter. He or she has free will and a choice of fingers to use when clicking that mouse in their hand. Just as someone elses choice of reading material or movies or anything that someone chooses to entertain themselves with is easily avoided by clicking that button and getting away from the subject that so deeply bothers them. It is only natural to vent your opinions on someone who offends or disagrees with you, but to what end does it it serve? As others have stated, your choice is simple.....click it and go on to something that you enjoy. There is so much here to enjoy. Thanks again for your good work Don! EVERYONE appreciates the work that has been put into this site and I for one hope it will outlast all the rest! Cause it's the best!!
ediddy Posted August 17, 2011 #44 Posted August 17, 2011 Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil. Next, it seems everyone today is born offended. I am not an atheist but I don't go complaining here when someone says they are. If you are an atheist you don't have to answer a prayer request, ignore it. But don't make people that are religious stop praying because you don't pray. Some people need to get a life.
SilvrT Posted August 17, 2011 #45 Posted August 17, 2011 I, too, have no problems with anyone's religion but am an atheist. As such, every time there is a mention of an accident, the prayers start. I understand that but it is a bit annoying because maybe we wish to discuss the whys and wherefores of the accident, discuss what could/should/might have been done differently so that we may learn from this accident, etc., etc., etc. Having the thread suddenly filled with prayer requests is upsetting to those of us who don't pray. Most who say, "I don't understand that, why does it upset you?" are religious so of course they don't understand. I do wish prayers were kept to their own section, though. Just my two cents. I am also an athiest (in that I do not believe in God or Jesus or any of the various "religions"). I do; however, believe there is a "higher power" of some kind. I do not pray ... but I do hope that you're really only including yourself in the above comment because I do not have anything against those who do or for that matter, the many "Prayer requests" because...... Take a "prayer" simply as someone expressing their "best wishes". Offering support whether emotionally, physically, or beliefs... shows we care. Details on how an accident will come and hopefully we all learn from it. I am not an atheist but I don't go complaining here when someone says they are. If you are an atheist you don't have to answer a prayer request, ignore it. But don't make people that are religious stop praying because you don't pray. Some people need to get a life.
myminpins Posted August 17, 2011 #46 Posted August 17, 2011 I do hope that you're really only including yourself in the above comment because I do not have anything against those who do or for that matter, the many "Prayer requests" because...... Of course I am only including myself. I would never presume to speak for anyone other than myself. I have NOTHING against those who pray or those who do not. Maybe offend is the wrong word. Annoy is more appropriate, probably. I won't apologize for giving my opinion.
steamer Posted August 17, 2011 #47 Posted August 17, 2011 What is the point of all of this? People will do what they will do. You can't change them,they can't change you. It is what it is. enjoy the forum for what ever reason you joined. Let the rest go. It ain't worth it. JMO PS. love this place.
SilvrT Posted August 17, 2011 #48 Posted August 17, 2011 What is the point of all of this? People will do what they will do. You can't change them,they can't change you. It is what it is. enjoy the forum for what ever reason you joined. Let the rest go. It ain't worth it. JMO PS. love this place. The "point" simply is to express ourselves. Moreover, and in doing so, it is a way to learn about the folks here because this is our only medium of open communication. Personally, I enjoy reading such "banter" and being a participant. For the most part, nobody gets "hurt" in the process. This kind of discussion, along with everything else that gets posted is a part of my enjoyment ... it is not the reason I joined but rather, the reason I have stayed here since 2006 and read the threads and posts daily and participate regularly.
GaryZ Posted August 17, 2011 #49 Posted August 17, 2011 But money is the root of all evil....... Here is proof that girls are evil . . .
Guest Posted August 17, 2011 #50 Posted August 17, 2011 Here is proof that girls are evil . . . Yes, but a necessary evil......
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