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If anyone is planning on riding Vancouver Island be aware that the Naniamo police have announced they are going to stop and check every motorcyclist they see during the next year. This is supposedly to stop motorcycle accidents and deaths. They say it is the same as enforcing no cellphone regulations. To me it is more like mugging tourists so they don't get mugged by crooks. I sent a letter to the Nanaimo Daily News and another one to the Victoria Times Colonist advising them to read the Hurt report and asking how harassing motorcyclists is going to stop some idiot on a cell phone from hitting them. The letter to the Times Colonist was printed yesterday but I don't know about the Nanaimo News as we don't get it here.


Granted our laws differ somewhat from those in the U.S. but it seems to me that what they are planning must violate some of our rights somehow! This might be a good time to talk to a lawyer who specializes in civil liberties cases. Do they also plan on stopping everyone driving a Corvette or other sports car or, for that matter, anything painted red as well? ( Pardon me sir, but your bright red Smart car seemed to be moving in a hazardous fashion so we decided to pull you over and advise you that you are in danger. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!!) Must be nice to live where the crime rate is so low that the police have nothing better to do than harass people over their choice of transportation!


Yea. I was also planning a ride on the island later this summer when we do our trip to the west coast. Hopefully, this is a temporary thing.

Guest Swifty
I sent a letter to the Nanaimo Daily News and another one to the Victoria Times Colonist advising them to read the Hurt report and asking how harassing motorcyclists is going to stop some idiot on a cell phone from hitting them. The letter to the Times Colonist was printed yesterday but I don't know about the Nanaimo News as we don't get it here.

is this it? that short? If there is more, I'd like to read the whole thing, but couldn't find a link which opened the whole thing....



Click on the blue headline and it will bring up the whole letter. It is one of a number I have had printed.

Granted our laws differ somewhat from those in the U.S. but it seems to me that what they are planning must violate some of our rights somehow! This might be a good time to talk to a lawyer who specializes in civil liberties cases. Do they also plan on stopping everyone driving a Corvette or other sports car or, for that matter, anything painted red as well? ( Pardon me sir, but your bright red Smart car seemed to be moving in a hazardous fashion so we decided to pull you over and advise you that you are in danger. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!!) Must be nice to live where the crime rate is so low that the police have nothing better to do than harass people over their choice of transportation!
call me dum if you like but is the transcanada hyway not out side the jurisdiction of local policing . i know at our end we have rcmp deligated to hyway patrol over several comunitys . the hyway is provintal and fed . but then again they have changed there boots from riding to jack ops sorry no politics my tong is in my cheek .

Anything they can find,pipes,lights,license etc.

Went to Duncan on the way to Ride for Dad. RCMP car immediately pulled in right behind me. I figured "here we go" when some idiot in an suv passed us at about 100kph, it was a 60 zone. The cop forgot about me and took off after him. lol.:cool10:

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