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Usama Bin Laden is Dead!


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Whether he is really dead or whisked away to be tortured, the bastard is out of commission. Thats all that matters to me. Next target..........

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Not to be the devils advocate, But...


I personally wouldn't have killed him, or, for that fact any of the higher ranking ones until I was sure they didn't have any useful information to share with me.... You know, like their associates whereabouts, ranks, assets... and maybe their targets?


Of course if they did this and they are caught, GITMO is gonna look like a picnic in comparison...


On an ending note, wasn't it just plain down good ole timing that our "Get it done"

General took over the CIA last week... Perhaps hes got something the other guy didn't.

Edited by CaptainJoe
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One news cast said that he used a women as a sheild.


BIG TUFF GUY he was.


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


FVMAR and don't ask


I had heard the same thing but I went to a UK news sight to try and get info our government was trying to keep quite and they said the women was the wife of one of the other officers and that she was shielding Osama. If that was the case good riddance.

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I had heard the same thing but I went to a UK news sight to try and get info our government was trying to keep quite and they said the women was the wife of one of the other officers and that she was shielding Osama. If that was the case good riddance.



One more down and couple of million to go!

I just wish they could see that their own people are the ones killing themselves!

What kind of government/leaders sends people wearing bombs into a market place to kill their own people? Not any leader I want to represent me, that is for sure.

I don't feel bad one little bit for his death especially after he murdered all those people in the Twin Towers and on the air plane.

If your an enemy of America your an enemy of mine now and forever.

God bless America!

Over and out, I be done.


Why don't the "good" islamic people condem and stand up to these terreroist. Stand-up and declare the terrorist not to be the true beleivers of islam when they kill and murders not only their own people but the innocent people around the world, Africa, Spain, France, UK and USA.


Feel free to delete this if you like. I know it is way to political for the forum.

I'll go lay down by my bowl now!

Edited by Bubber
All I could do is see RED and I typed it
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We need to defend ourselves when others wish to harm us and yet when we must kill, I am saddened. I am saddened not so much for those we kill but for the price it costs those who do the killing. I treat PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in soldiers, soldiers from wars like Korea, Vietnam, Panama. Soldiers who were cooks and ambulance drivers and were special ops guys who did HALO drops with friends who bounced. Soldiers who set up Claymores, strung the wires and pushed the button. I have memories of soldiers memories. Memories of their questions of did I have to kill them or should I have just zip tied their hands. I have memories of their nightmares and hurt when their loved ones don't understand the changes that they have gone through and wives that go away.


I know we must kill sometimes. I pray we will keep looking for another way.


The price is very high.

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One news cast said that he used a women as a sheild.


BIG TUFF GUY he was.


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


FVMAR and don't ask



When we caught three time cop killer Ronnie Williams in WV he was hiding in closet wearing ladies underware. Walked this puke down the tier many times and promised him a quick drop on his head if he blinked. Don't think I would have had any trouble at all pulling trigger on Laden.

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The US has changed it's story. Government officials now say Osama was unarmed. That he did not have enough time to arm himself. Well I have a problem with that statement. Let's see, every video I have ever seen of him he had a weapon on him and now the US is saying he was unarmed?????? And did not have much time to defend himself?????? How could a weapon be so far away that he could not reach it. He did not hear 3 helicopters, a firefight and one helicopter crash???? In my opinion he had more than enough time. Of course the way the government keeps changing their story we will probably never know what actually happened but if he was unarmed he could have provided us with some great intelligence. Never mind some judge would would release him and say we were mistreating him and the judge would set him free. Good thing we killed him armed or not. BUT if he wasn't armed why kill the women. You see things just don't add up.

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Reports here in Oz show still photo's of your president, Hillary Clinton and all the staff waiting and watching through the whole mission. The woman was used as a shield by the *^#* so was shot. They also show picture's of all the computer's and stuff that they found.

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Guest scarylarry
Reports here in Oz show still photo's of your president, Hillary Clinton and all the staff waiting and watching through the whole mission. The woman was used as a shield by the *^#* so was shot. They also show picture's of all the computer's and stuff that they found.


That comment was retracted, no shield was used one wife was shot in the leg but wasn't killed...

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