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Here it is in a nutshell. One time I will get on and the compressor will start as soon as I turn the key, but adding very little air the the suspension. The next time I turn on the key it dumps the air. Any ideas? This is getting very frustrating. Oh yea, the display shows either 8.8 or 0 all the time it is on. Shaun

Edited by Reddog170
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Here it is in a nutshell. One time I will get on and the compressor will start as soon as I turn the key, but adding very little air the the suspension. The next time I turn on the key it dumps the air. Any ideas? This is getting very frustrating. Oh yea, the display shows either 8.8 or 0 all the time it is on. Shaun


Better start looking for cracked solder joints within the controller, repair info in 1st gen tech library. Also look at the connectors going into the controller & at the compressor unit at the back.


This will give you a good starting point, as cracked solder joints are common, due to the age of these bikes.



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Yep already redid all the solider joints. That got it work like it is. I will get into tracing the wiring down now and cleaning and checking out all the connectors. Thank You for the link Gary. Thank You, Shaun


Do it again. It took 3 times before I finaly beat the controller on the '91 into submission...



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Went through the wiring and cleaned the connectors. Also found that once I get air in the system that I can hear some leaking out through the compressor. Tearing all that apart will be a job for next weekend. Thank You for the help, Shaun

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