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Raven's got a new Intruder.


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Yep. Title says it. I've got my first bike. First thing to do is change all the fluids, get new tires and for the Love of Larry, I gotta get rid of those damn flame mirrors. I can't see diddly through 'em.





Here's the best photo I have of it so far. If you want to see more of the baby http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/Volusia%20Intruder/

^ go that way! :p

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As many of you know, I did all the research on hubby's bike. I scowered forums and searched craigslist. The asking price for this bike was $2700. The nada and kbb priced the bike at $3300 without all the extras. Between hubby and me it had all the aftermarket stuff we wanted as goodies now I'm searching for the mirrors and a tool pouch for the windshield

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Well he done gone and done it.....Raven took the bike out today...yay


Then on the way back home, broke it. Looks like the spline broke about 2 miles from the house. Have the mechanic coming to get it from the walgreen's tomorrow. Glad the roomie was with him. Made pushing the bike uphill a whole lot easier.

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Well, I just got back from leaving the bike parked in Walgreen's till the mechanic can pick it up. Roomie is pretty sure it is just the spline since the transmission is going through all the gears just fine without any grinding. and the bike just behaves like it's in Neutral.


I'll leave it to the mechanic to make a full diagnosis of everything that's wrong with the bike that I haven't been able to see, then have him fix it up and change all the fluids.


Aside from that last few hundred feet, she rode like a dream for the rest of the 60 miles I put on her today. Little bit touchy with how much throttle it needs to start out with from a dead stop, but otherwise she was liquid smooth.


At that last intersection I was making a left turn waiting on the green arrow. When the arrow came, I picked up the throttle a bit, let the clutch out slowly....then she bogged and stalled. Cranked it, picked up the throttle some more, let out the clutch slowly....then she bogged and stalled again. Did it a third time after a quick kick to the gear shift to make absolutely sure it was in 1st (it was), put the throttle half way, let out the clutch gently, and she rolled up to about 10 mph before behaving like it was in neutral, made it through the intersection and came to a stop in the bicycle lane about 600 feet from the corner. Threw on the flashers and pleaded with the girl to move...but like arguing with certain stubborn redhead, I was not getting any headway.


My Riding partner and I rolled it into the Walgreens that was right there, called the shop to see when they could pick it up, and called my wife to pickup the saddlebags, my gear, and myself. Then I checked in with the manager to make sure it was ok to leave the bike there overnight. And that's where I am right now. Lamenting the break down, and relishing the ride in one fell swoop.


And that, ladies and gentleman, is how my first ever semi-long distance ride on a bike went. Please excuse me while I pace a trail into the carpet while I wait for round two. http://www.volusiariders.com/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif



Oh, and as a side note, It wasn't wheelies that cause the spline to break...otherwise it would have done it after the first time, or at least the second, third...or tenth time I pulled one. That last time, I was just going normal even keel throttle. :p :rotf:



For those that can't take a joke:

That last paragraph is completely un-true. I did not pull any wheelies nor did I try to.


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Bike went into the shop today. Should know by the end of the week what's wrong with it. It will also get new tires and serviced before coming home. Shop owner didn't think it was the spline, but he's an HD guy. But he promised to right by us and have us on the road safely as soon as was possible.

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The bike came home from the shop last night. We were both so tired from all the errands yesterday we didn't update this. The clutch spring broke on the clutch. The clutch cable was forced so tight the tension on the spring finally broke it. The shop replaced the spring and set the tension to factory specs again. They changed the oil for us and checked the other fluids as well, test drove it and called us. Then we arrived and got a lecture about the crappy little mirrors I ordered replacements for and the rear tire which we ordered a new tire while at the shop. We also promised the shop owner we'd not nor ride the bike again until the mirrors come in, which is sometime tomorrow, and limit the rides with the roomie until the new tire was installed, fair enough. Hubby's wobbly on the bike (I was driving behind him) but hasn't tipped over or dropped it. We stayed out to hang out with friends longer than we planned and rode home at dusk. With me behind him and him wearing that yellow vest of his, I still couldn't see him or the lights on the bike. Time to get more lights and make him more visible. I thought the chrome and such should reflect something, not really no. It was as bad as riding behind my friend Howard's bike which is totally black, even the chromed bits.

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