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Bought a new 2009 RSV in June of 09 off the showroom floor. It ran OK but felt no where near the power I had when I rode my 06 RSV. I took it in the summer of 2010 and asked the dealer about low power. They shimmed the carbs and I rode off and it still lacked the power I had in the 2006. I was gone away most last year with work and didn't ride much. This year while in an email conversation with a fellow VentureRider in Canada he suggested a set of K&N filters. I ordered a set and installed them this week I can't believe the difference! It's unbelievable a set of air filters will make it run stronger, I knew I had a carb problem but never dreamed the stock air filters were holding back that much air. I don't know if others will benefit from this simple upgrade but I couldn't be happier and highly recommend K&N filters. Thanks Randy


I can believe it. I wondered about that with the venture 1st gen. Gary set me strait on them but I can see how they would restrict the airflow. Shaun


Something tells me that there is more to this story.. Your old air filters must have had mice in them to plug them up where NO air could get in...

Hard for me to believe that a set of air filters changed the running of your bike, or any bike, that much..there has to be something hidden here..somewhere..


If you want the old filters I'll mail them to you they only have 8000 miles on em. Nothing in there but white paper. That's why I wouldn't of believed the difference in performence. The stock filters look new, there clean and useable.


One of the first things I did when I got my bike is open up the intake holes on the air boxes. Dunno if it made any difference because I really didn't ride it much before doing that as it was mid-November. Mine has no problem with power or acceleration.


I have to agree with Eck...there is something else going on. I have the K&Ns on my '99 and I like them because they can be cleaned and re-used but I've gone back and forth once or twice between the K&Ns and the stock filters when I was researching a gas mileage issue and I can tell you that I picked up no noticeable power increase with the K&Ns.


It could be that your bike was running rich causing it to be low on power.

There have been many posts where people put on K&N filters or opened up the air holes and found their engine to be lean and have to make carb adjustments to get it back to right.

Even your dealer thought the engine was rich, hence shimming the needles.


Just some thoughts.

If you want the old filters I'll mail them to you they only have 8000 miles on em. Nothing in there but white paper. That's why I wouldn't of believed the difference in performence. The stock filters look new, there clean and useable.


If you're parting with the old ones, I'll take em off your hands..


I've run KnN's on all my 1stGens, but can't say that I felt any difference in response or power over OEM filters. My fuel milage seemed to get better by just a tad, but that's about it. I do have a set in my stash that will be going in the '99 when I get to it. The milage sucks, so maybe they will give me a better mpg.... ??


The airbox's hole to the carbs only measures an 1 13/16" diameter which equals an area of 2.85". So, as long as the total free flowing area of the filter is at least this much, I don't see any advantage. Now, a supercharger might do the trick.


Bottom line Larry, if you're bike is finally running as you think it should be, so be it! Whether it is the K+N's or clearing up an air blockage or whatever....now that it is running as you think it should, Yabba Dabba Doo! Sometimes, a fix without explanation....is 100 years better than a no fix with an explanation...or something like that!




I can't imagine all you tech gurus not catching this. His former RSV was an 06. We all know those are the fastest! Even including the 1st gens! :whistling:

I can't imagine all you tech gurus not catching this. His former RSV was an 06. We all know those are the fastest! Even including the 1st gens! :whistling:


Ah, but Bill....wouldn't you agree that this bike is even faster????


...His former RSV was an 06. We all know those are the fastest! Even including the 1st gens! :whistling:


I don't know about that but I'm happy with my '09 (even with stock air filters).


Surprised a guy on a sport bike on the weekend when I blew by him. I was following behind him by a couple car lengths. He kept speeding up to 110 km/hr (70mph) and and slowing down to about 85 km/h (50mph), probably to impress his girlfriend on the back. I kept pace with him until I got tired of his antics. I dropped down a gear and blew by him doing 140 km/hr (about 85mph) - think I was in 3rd.


His girlfriend was probably telling him afterwards to get a bike like the rocket that shot past him.... at least then she'd be sitting on a comfortable seat!

Ah, but Bill....wouldn't you agree that this bike is even faster????



:no-no-no: :buttkick:OK JOE AND DONNA THE GLOVES ARE OFF! I thought that was in the "file 13 drawer" but I guess anything in the web world is never file 13. The only thing I will agree to is that the ride wasn't fast enough! :crying: Now, let me check my picture file! :)

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