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What a Dilemma!

Aussie Annie

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After waiting over a year for corrective surgery on the hole I have in my left thigh...I get the letter to go in on 18th April :doh:

As they will be cutting and fixing the muscle, and the edge of the skin graft [too tight] WILL I HAVE TIME TO HEAL? :confused24: before leaving on our trip five weeks later???????????


Just don't know what to do :crying:

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I sure hope you put you health before the trip. Keep in mind that muscle usually heals faster than bone.

We'll all be here ready and waiting for you, whenever you do make the trip. As an added bonus to you two, I have those Michigan PGR patches and lapel pins waiting for you right here on my desk.


:fingers-crossed-emo These are for a successful and speedy recovery.

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:doh: forgot to take in to consideration that three weeks after surgery I would be flying to Sydney, taking possession of the new trike....then riding it 650 miles to Brisbane to have it at the depot for shipping :yikes:

So, thank you for all your kind thoughts....but have decided not to have corrective surgery till we return :sign yeah that: Not willing to chance a hiccup in our plans/trip

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Only you know best, Annie...healing is an individual thing...Pat didn't heal well after one of her surgeries and we had a cruise booked a month after (already booked and paid for)..doctor assured her she would be fine..well...she wasn't...but we made the trip and made do. Probably shouldn't have told you that..don't want to influence your decision, but maybe I have.

I see you already decided to postpone it. I hope you and your doctor have agreed to this. You have to do what's best for YOU and only YOU know this.

The question is...if you postpone...and if you come here to the states...is there a chance you could have some problems due to this "hole"? Do you risk serious infection? Would your insurance cover you here in the states?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you absolutely turn down the surgery.

Pat and I wish you luck and God's guidance in your search for answers.


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