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Is there a reason why MONEY isn't offered?


You could split the winnings to operating expenses in any percentage you wanted...

if you need $400 for the event, then anything over that would be paid out.


If it's not illegal, that would be my preference, as that way, you could spend it on whatever you needed, wether it was on a particular "list" or not...


Just food for thought...




Far as I can tell searching the internet, giving cash is not against the law for a raffel, as long as you report the winnings "regardless of wether it's a trailer or cash" to our dear IRS. LOL...




Dragonrider, any word yet on the money as a prize?


Also noticed It wasn't in the international rally either? When I approached the organizers for that, they said they considered it and rejected it.


I'm not trying to stirr something up, besides your ability to generate more funds for this rally.


I quit buying gifts for the family long ago and they each get money so that they can buy what they want. Not what I think they want, as I'm not a good guesser...


I don't usually participate in raffels as I don't want or need a trailer, laptop etc...


On the other hand, money is the Universal Language :mo money:




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As someone that has worked on a few Rallies there is alot that goes on that most people are not aware of. Suggestions are always welcome and the giving of money as a prize has been addressed numerous times and the trailer has always risen to the top by majority. The raffle of a trailer best represents the Organization and what we do. As said prior if someone wins a trailer most of the time the value of that trailer can be quickly turned into cash. After all only one ticket will win it. Buy a $10.00 ticket,sell the trailer for even a $1000.00 which would be very easy to do and you profit $990.00. A pretty good deal. At the start of this years Rally I was asked to be on the committee and gladly accepted but shortly after I had to step down due to a severe back problem and surgery. Knowing all the work involved and hours of time discussing, debating and going over the details to make a Great Event happen I knew I could not do it. These guys that are organizing this Rally do the very best job possible and do it for one reason -- To promote an annual get together for us ALL to enjoy and meet up with fellow members and they do it without pay. Yes a little of the left over monies go to cover unforeseen expenses and If not mistaken the OPE Fund..I think its called something different now. (This fund covers flowers ETC so VentureRider.org can show our respect to "our VR family members" for funerals, etc.) I have suggested many things that were shot down but I do not take it personal,thats the way it goes when you are brainstorming for the good of ALL members. PLEASE do not take this any way other than what I have stated,just an explanation of the tireless work and negotiations and comprimises that must take place to make a successful Rally. I for one appreciate all ideas and I Thank You for making your thoughts available. Tom

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Thanks Tom... I was a little perturbed about something else and it spilled over here...

No problem at all my friend..I get that way alot and I had noticed you were fairly new and even though Im not a Moderator I wanted to respond with the Info. I hope to meet up with you someday..I will be leaving the Rally on the 28th morning and quite possibly be heading thru your area 1st week or so in August on the bike. I hope it is OK to contact you when I come thru and buy you and yours dinner and sit and chat awile. Thanks for being a member here! Tom

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Tom you are more than welcome here any time. Your heading east after the rally?

Boy did I get my Directions messsed up..I thought Sandyville was in Utah....Oh well WV isnt out of the question for a trip next year!

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There are a couple of reasons why I dont offer up money as a prize in this raffle, first of all, all profits from this raffle and everything we do at Tail of the Dragon events has been and always will be donated to the kids at St. Jude CHildren's Hospital in Memphis, Tn. We always have a 50/50 raffle where half of the money brought in from the sale of those tickets goes to the hospital and the other half goes to the lucky winner.


This year in an effort to raise more money I want to offer up some really nice prizes to the winners. I have always depended on the generosity of others to help provide some of the door prizes and raffle items for this event. It may not happen that there is enough interest to help fund this type of raffle, I know I could go to Russell to help with the fund he has set up, but I have always funded this event moneywise out of my own pocket, and wish to do so in the future.


I appreciate your input as I am always open to suggestions about what goes on at Vogel and I have the great members here to thank in helping make Tail of the Dragon and St. Jude fundraising so successful. To date we have raised over $11,000.00 for St. Jude and I couldnt be happier with the success of our efforts.





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That is a great explanation Lewis. I will also add that the situation is similar for other rallies. A lot of the prizes that are given away are donated by our generous vendors. Though the trailers are not donated, we do generally get a nice discount on it. This enables us to raffle it off and then add any profits to various funds such as the flower funds, out of pocket expense funds for the future International Rally, etc. Giving cash as the prize would not work well in these instances.

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If you get to the end of rt 56 at the "Y" , your there...


The biggest thing here is My neighbor, Carl Smith and Sons... use to be a big timey oil and gas contractors till they tried to screw the gov. out of the taxes they owed...TWICE! They had over 70 million in equiptment... now ZERO!


Lets just say it didn't work out for them and most are in jail... They were bought out by a Texas oil company...


Was one of Jackson countys largest employers ...

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How far are you from 77 and what exit?? As I said I've worked about every place out there but all those names are just a jumble now. Got a ex wife on Frog Creek that would like to use and abuse me some more so I stay clear of that country..... Warden not too happy about that??

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