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Hey, guys I just bought an 07 venture with 3,200 miles and i'm getting some poping on idle and on decel any advice ?


welcome aboard the crazy train. The 2nd gen gfuys will come along soon and help out. Sorry i cant help you out but just wanted to say hello and welcome to the site.




A couple of things can make a difference on your bike.


Sync the carbs & run some Seafoam through the fuel tank/carbs and clean it out.



Welcome to the site, don't forget rule no. 1 - pictures.




First welcome to the forum. I'm not the best source for info here, but I'll pipe in with my two cents worth. Ive got an 09 and after each winter I get the rough running engine when I first start out each year. I see youve got an 07 with only 3500 miles so I bet yours has been sitting around a lot also. First tank of gas in the spring i dump in a can of SeaFoam, go out and drive it like I stole it, then fill it up with fresh gas and all is well again. last spring I replaced spark plugs, did a carb tune and the SeaFoam thing and it ran better than new.:thumbsup2:


Welcome......Seafoam fuel additive and run the crap out of it. Miner did the same thing when I bought mine. A 2000 MM edition I bought last July with 20,000 miles on it. I now have 39000 miles and it runs great. Also don't be afraid to run up the RPM's 80 MPH in 3 rd gear is nothinjg for these bikes. If you do all this it will probably run a bunch better.


Oh and you will find joining the forum is the best 12 bucks you ever spent. There are so many of us that have encountered every kind of problems it's like having your own personal ifo guy around.


Also rule number one on this board is PICTURES OF THE BIKE must be posted or it doesn't excist


Hey, appreciate it! already done the seafoam, and will run the crap out off it !!! second venture (deer got the first)

Hey, guys I just bought an 07 venture with 3,200 miles and i'm getting some poping on idle and on decel any advice ?

Your popping is coming from an intake leak - 90% chance that just replacing the caps on two of vacuum nipples will solve your problem,


This has been discussed here in great detail. there are several possible causes, but all are easily identified and fixed. Most likely cause is an intake leak. Some people will suggest you should disconnect the AIS to fix this problem. In my opinion, that is an absolutely STUPID idea. Yes, stopping the fresh air induction into the header pipes can reduce or stop the popping, but the fact is, there is something wrong with your bike, and if you find it and FIX it, that will stop the popping. I do not understand the strange attitude of some who say they do not care that there is a problem with their engine - they do not want to fix it, just don't want to be told that the problem exists.


You are not too far away - ride that thing down here and we will get it sorted out (or maybe I'll ride up there?).



07 is still under warranty. Could be vacuum leak, carbs or air valve. Has the intake or exhaust been modified? If not have the dealer check it out. That's what warranties are for.


(deer got the first)


Yeah, :welcome1:to the asylum!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


Now I think if you search diligently you will find several posts that highly recommend NOT using the RSV as a deer hunting weapon!!! :no-no-no:


Now BEAR hunting, that's another topic... :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:



thanks guys. It seams that there could be several thing going on, I guess i will let the dealer narrow it down, sure does help to have an idea what could be going on though. Its' been my experiance that not having a idea whats going on puts one at a disadvantage, I appreciate the advice :fingers-crossed-emo



The Seafoam and carb sync are good places to start. If you not too busy I'll be in Broken Arrow Sunday evening until Wednesday morning, I'd be happy to bring my Carbtune with me and we could sync your carbs. My cell # is in my profile if your interested on taking me up.


Welcome. Not sure where you live but when I was in the Western mountain ranges my bike back fired all the time. When I got to lower ground it stopped. Just another idea besides the things mentioned already



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