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I have a wierd problem that just started yesterday evening. I have the older Chatterbox headsets that have a cable between the driver and passenger and on yesterday's ride with Linda, I started having the static that goes up and down with the rpm. It is only in my headset and the really wierd part is if I touch something metal, like the clutch or brake lever or the risers, the sound goes away. I have had these units for probably 13 years and have never had this problem before. This particular box is a couple of years old. The only change I have made electrically to the bike is to mount the TCI in the left fairing on the wall behind the radio. I would think this might be the problem, but we rode a couple of days ago and did not have this problem.

This Chatterbox system is not connected to the bike in any way.

Any suggestions? :confused24:



Hi Randy. It's probably the TCI box being too close to the headset cables. You could try running the cable on the other side of your body and see if that gives enough separation from the TCI box to help. The only other choice would be to shield the box, but I have no idea how how you would shield it good enough to eliminate all the interferance.


Ive heard that a couple of guys have used the shiny mylar bags that computer parts come in for shielding from EM noise that the TCI emits. just tuck your tci in that to see if it helps.




Well, when I got home from work, I put new batteries in the Chatterbox unit and the static stopped. This little unit that mounts on the side of the passenger helmet originally came with two small batteries that lasted about 8 hours. I bought a AAA two battery holder from radio shack and wired it in and attached it with Velcro right above the Chatterbox unit. With the AAA's, it lasts for a long time, even if I leave the unit on.

So, I think it is ok.

Thanks guys,


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