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Jonas is looking for a member/couple in East PA !


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Greetings again fellow Venturers !

In 2009 I met a very nice couple at „Freebirds Maintenance Day“ and we started talking. They asked if I was taking the bike back to Iceland and I told them no, but it was getting a little bit to expensive to store it in Woddstock/Bearsville NY at a repair shop (600 US$ + a year ) so I would have to figure out another way. This nice couple then told me that they lived in East Pensylvania about two hours from JFK and that they could possiblie store the bike for me if I wanted. I did write down their name but when I got home from the trip I had lost the note. So,,,I am hoping that they will read this and get in contact with me. It is prettty far fetched but I am hoping that they will stumble upon this. The only description I have is that they were both around 40 to 50 years old and very pleasant.

If anybody in the club knows this couple by this detailed (hmmm,,,) description above or have any suggestions then please let me know. Apart from the bike storage I would very much want to get in touch with them again.

Friendly regards from Iceland,


Jonas Th. Lilliendahl and Margret S. Bjornsdottir


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Well from all the kind words, I doubt it was me, but we did have a nice talk and I did offer to keep your bike if you were interested. I am in SE Pa. about 50 miles west of Phila. Maybe you were talking to my wife, I am told she is a helluva lot nicer then me:big-grin-emoticon: Let me know what ya need Jonas. Craig

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I tried to find a pic of Craig and Kim together, but came across this one first. So at least you can see if it was Craig. Hope it helps a bit. He's the guy with his glasses on his head.




Thank you Mini for the picture. He is most certainly the person in question and we are already talking. And thanks to you all who chimed in both here and by PM´s.


Best regards from Iceland,

Jonas and Margret.

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I tried to find a pic of Craig and Kim together, but came across this one first. So at least you can see if it was Craig. Hope it helps a bit. He's the guy with his glasses on his head.




The other goofy looking fellow in the pic looks a little familiar too.:think:

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