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Hey guys.


I asked these questions on the Sportster.org forum, but got no responses. Maybe because my avatar is the same one I use here (VMAX). I hope that's not the case.


I also went to our area Harley dealer today and spoke to the service dept. He really tried to assist me, but could not offer any measurements either. At least he tried.


Now, any of you Sportster owners who can take some measurements for me or answer some of my questions will go straight to #1 on my list.


So, below is what I posted on Sportster.org.


"O.k. Maybe I was asking the wrong question, or in the wrong way, in my previous post.

So, I think I am barking up the right tree this time. Please bear with me on this.


My 2003 883R was lowered by the previous owner, but I don’t like the loss of travel and the stiffness. I want a better ride and to return the sporty-ness of my Sportster.


I think it was lowered with Progressive springs.


Looks like the stock damper rods were probably replaced with shorter ones (from a Hugger maybe?).


Now I need stock damper rods (and maybe fork tubes) to install because I want to return the forks to stock height.


I have a couple of questions:


On the 883R bikes, what is the stock distance between the bottom of the lower triple tree fork clamp and the top of the chrome dust cover ring on the forks?


Right now, with my bike in lowered style, that distance is only 3 1/2 inches. Looking at other Sportsters, I think that maybe should be about 5.5 inches or more, but I don’t have any Sportsters near me to measure. So I need some help please.


Also, what length are the stock damper rods, top to tip (and if you know, the length of the shock tubes also) of a 2003 883R?


And, can anyone offer a source for the stock damper rods?


Or, does anyone have any that they have taken out when lowering their bike and they want to part with them?


Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Thanks a mucho gazillion!"




They're blowing you off 'cause you have some none hd bikes listed.


"Right now, with my bike in lowered style, that distance is only 3 1/2 inches. Looking at other Sportsters, I think that maybe should be about 5.5 inches or more, but I don’t have any Sportsters near me to measure. So I need some help please."


Any numb nutz could go out an put a tape measure to his bike and reply to this question.


My buddy had a sporty but sold it last summer after he purchased a classic. If he still had it I would measure and reply.


Sorry I'm no help and just b**ched.


I'll take a look at my '03 883 XLH when I get home. Spending the weekend at the club prez's house (Kinghts of Life Virginia Chapter #4). I'll try to get back to you Monday.


Ride Safe.....




Got some good answers from some very helpful HD folks on another forum, other than Sportster.org.


Here is what I've found out on XLFORUMS.net:


My damper rods are apparently for a Hugger. 883R damper rods are two inches longer.


So, that's where I'm headed, to get some stock 9" 883R damper rods.


That should take me back up to what is aprarently a stock normal 5.5" of fork travel on my bike.


I really appreciate your responses.



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